Python (British pronunciation: /ˈpaɪθən/US pronunciation: /ˈpaɪθɑËn/), is an object-oriented interpreted computer programming language, invented by the Dutch Guidovan Rossum in 1989, the first public release was published in 1991.
Python is purely free software, and the source code and interpreter CPython follows the GPL (GNU General Public License) protocol. The Python syntax is simple and clear, and one of its features is to force whitespace as a statement indentation.
Python has a rich and powerful library. It is often nicknamed the glue language and can easily connect various modules made in other languages ​​(especially C/C++). A common application scenario is to use Python to quickly prototype a program (sometimes even the final interface of a program), and then rewrite the parts that have special requirements, such as graphics rendering modules in 3D games. Performance requirements are particularly high, can be rewritten in C / C + +, and then encapsulated as an extension class library that Python can call. It's important to note that platform issues may need to be considered when you use extension libraries, and some may not provide cross-platform implementations.
1, Python uses C language development, but Python no longer has complex data types such as pointers in C language.
2, Python has a strong object-oriented features, and simplifies the object-oriented implementation. It eliminates object-oriented elements such as protection types, abstract classes, and interfaces.
3. The Python code block separates the code by using spaces or tab indentation.
4, Python only has 31 reserved words, and there are no semicolons, begin, end and other tags.
5, Python is a strongly typed language. After the variable is created, it will correspond to a data type. Different types of variables that appear in the unified expression need to be type converted.
Python build development environment1, you can download the installation package, and then install through configure, make, makeinstall.
2, you can also go to download the ActivePython component package. (ActivePython is a binary wrapper around Python's core and common modules. It's a Python development environment released by ActiveState. ActivePython makes Python installation easier and can be applied to a variety of operating systems. ActivePython includes some common Python extensions. And the programming interface of the Windows environment). For ActivePython, if you are a Windows user, download the msi package and install it; if you are a Unix user, download the tar.gz package and extract it directly.
3. Python IDE, including PythonWin, Eclipse+PyDev plugin, Komodo, EditPlus.
System programming: Provide API (ApplicationProgrammingInterface application programming interface), which can facilitate system maintenance and management. One of the iconic languages ​​under Linux is an ideal programming tool for many system administrators.
Graphics processing: Supported by graphics libraries such as PIL and Tkinter, which can facilitate graphics processing.
Math Processing: The NumPy extension provides a number of interfaces to many standard math libraries.
Text processing: Python provides re modules that support regular expressions, SGML, XML analysis modules, and many programmers use Python for XML program development.
Database Programming: Programmers can communicate with databases such as Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase, DB2, MySQL, SQLite, etc. by following the Python DB-API (Database Application Programming Interface) specification. Python comes with a Gadfly module that provides a complete SQL environment.
Network programming: Provides a rich set of modules to support sockets programming, making it easy and fast to develop distributed applications. Many large-scale software development programs such as Zope, Mnet and BitTorrent.Google are widely used.
Web programming: The development language of the application, supporting the latest XML technologies.
Multimedia Applications: Python's PyOpenGL module encapsulates the "OpenGL Application Programming Interface" for 2D and 3D image processing. The PyGame module can be used to write game software.
Pymo engine: PYMO is called pythonmemoriesoff. It is an AVG game engine running on SymbianS60V3, Symbian3, S60V5, Symbian3, Android. Named PYMO because it is based on the Python 2.0 platform and is suitable for creating Ame games in the style of autumn.
Hacking programming: Python has a hack library that has built-in functions that you are familiar with or unfamiliar, but lacks a sense of accomplishment.
Write a simple crawler in Python
Through the above three sentences, the source code of the URL can be stored in the content variable, and its type is a character type.
The next step is to extract the content we need from this bunch of HTML source code. Use Chrome to view the code for the corresponding content (you can also use Firefox's Firebug).
You can see that the url information is stored in the span tag, and you can use the regular expression to get the information.
Web application development
Python is often used for web development. For example, with the mod_wsgi module, Apache can run web applications written in Python. Python defines the WSGI standard application interface to coordinate communication between Http servers and Python-based web applications. Some web frameworks, such as Django, TurboGears, web2py, Zope, etc., allow programmers to easily develop and manage complex web applications.
Automated script for operating system management and server operation and maintenance
In many operating systems, Python is a standard system component. Most Linux distributions, as well as NetBSD, OpenBSD, and MacOSX, integrate Python and can run Python directly under the terminal. There are some Linux distribution installers written in Python, such as Ubuntu's Ubiquity installer, RedHatLinux and Fedora's Anaconda installer. GentooLinux uses Python to write its Portage package management system. The Python standard library contains several libraries that call operating system functions. With pywin32, a third-party package, Python can access Windows COM services and other Windows APIs. With IronPython, Python programs can call .NetFramework directly. In general, system management scripts written in Python are superior to ordinary shell scripts in terms of readability, performance, code reusability, and scalability.
Scientific Computing
NumPy, SciPy, and Matplotlib allow Python programmers to write scientific computing programs.
Desktop software
PyQt, PySide, wxPython, and PyGTK are the tools for Python to quickly develop desktop applications.
Server software (network software)
Python is well-supported for various network protocols and is often used to write server software and web crawlers. The third-party library Twisted supports asynchronous network programming and most standard network protocols (including clients and servers), and provides a variety of tools that are widely used to write high-performance server software.
Many games use C++ to write high-performance modules such as graphics displays, while writing logic and servers for games using Python or Lua. Compared to Python, Lua is simpler and smaller, while Python supports more features and data types.
Idea implementation, early prototype and iteration of the product
YouTube, Google, Yahoo! NASA uses Python extensively internally.
Python application direction1. Conventional software development
Python supports functional programming and OOP object-oriented programming, and can undertake the development of any kind of software, so conventional software development, scripting, network programming, etc. are standard capabilities.
2. Scientific calculation
With the development of numerous libraries such as NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, and Enthoughtlibrarys, Python is becoming more and more suitable for scientific computing and drawing high quality 2D and 3D images. Compared with Matlab, the most popular commercial software in the field of scientific computing, Python is a general-purpose programming language. It is more widely used than Matlab's scripting language and has more libraries. Although many of the advanced features and toolbox in Matlab are still irreplaceable, there is still a lot of work in daily research and development that can be done in Python.
3. Automated operation and maintenance
This is almost a reserved place for Python applications. As the programming language of choice for operation and maintenance engineers, Python has gained popularity in automated operation and maintenance. For example, Saltstack and Ansible are famous automation platforms.
4. Cloud computing
The open source cloud computing solution OpenStack is based on Python, and everyone who is engaged in cloud computing understands it.
5.WEB development
There aren't too many web development frameworks based on Python, such as Django, which is familiar, and Tornado, Flask. The Python+Django architecture has a wide range of applications, a very fast development speed, and a low learning threshold, which can help you quickly build up the available web services.
6. Web crawler
Also known as web spiders, it is a core tool for data acquisition in the big data industry. No web crawlers can crawl free data on the Internet automatically, day and night, and intelligently, and those big data-related companies may be three-quarters less. There are quite a few programming languages ​​that can write web crawlers, but Python is definitely one of the mainstream, and its Scripy crawler framework is very widely used.
7. Data analysis
On the basis of a large amount of data, combined with scientific computing, machine learning and other technologies, cleaning, de-duplication, normalization and targeted analysis of data are the cornerstones of the big data industry. Python is one of the mainstream languages ​​for data analysis.
8. Artificial intelligence
Python is a mainstream programming language in machine learning, neural networks, and deep learning in the field of artificial intelligence. It is widely supported and applied.
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