Programming the analog input
KR C4 has 32 analog inputs
· These analog signals need to be equipped with a bus system that can be provided as an option and must pass
·WorkVisual design
· The analog input is read out via the system variable $ANIN[1] ... $ANIN[32]
· (once every 12 ms) cyclically read an analog input
· The value of $ANIN[nr] varies between 1.0 and -1.0, representing an input voltage of +10V to -10V
Function: static assignment
Direct assignment
REAL value
Value = $ANIN[2]
Assigning a signal protocol
SIGNAL sensor $ANIN[6]
REAL value
Value = sensor
Dynamic assignment
• All variables used in the ANIN instruction must have been declared in the data list (partially or in $CONFIG.DAT).
• Up to three ANIN ON commands are allowed at the same time.
• Up to two ANIN ON instructions can use the same variable value or access the same analog input.
Start loop reading:
ANIN ON value = coefficient * signal name <± offset>
Example 1:
Example 2:
Operation steps when programming with analog inputs:
Note: The prerequisite for using an analog signal is to design the correct bus system and its connected analog signals.
Programming ANIN ON /OFF
1. Select the correct analog input
2. Execution of signal protocols
3. Declare the necessary variables in the data list
4. Switch on: Programming the ANIN ON instruction
5. Check if up to 3 dynamic inputs are active
6. Shutdown: Programming the ANIN OFF instruction
Programming the analog output
KR C4 has 32 analog outputs
· These analog signals need to be equipped with a bus system that can be provided as an option and must pass
·WorkVisual design
· The analog output is read out by the system variable $ANOUT[1] ... $ANOUT[32]
• (once every 12 ms) cycle to write an analog output.
· The value of $ANOUT[nr] varies between 1.0 and -1.0, representing an output of +10V to -10V
Note: Up to 8 analog outputs (both static and dynamic) can be used simultaneously. ANOUT triggers a pre-stop.
Static assignment
·Direct assignment
ANOUT[2] = 0.7 ; add 7V to analog output 2
· Assignment by variable
REAL value
Value = -0.8
ANOUT[4] = value ; -8V is applied to analog output 4
·Programming with online forms
Dynamic assignment
· All variables used in ANOUT instructions must have been declared in the data list (local or
• Up to four ANOUT ON commands are allowed at the same time.
• ANOUT triggers a pre-stop.
Start loop writing:
ANOUT ON Signal Name = Coefficient * Adjustment Item <± Offset>
The procedure for programming with the analog output:
Note: The prerequisite for using an analog signal is to design the correct bus system and its connected analog signals.
Programming ANOUT ON /OFF
1. Select the correct analog output
2. Execution of signal protocols
3. Declare the necessary variables in the data list
4. Switch on: Programming the ANOUT ON instruction
5. Check if up to 4 dynamic outputs are active
6. Shutdown: Programming the ANOUT OFF instruction
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