The next five to ten years are of great significance to virtual reality (VR) technology. In fact there have been signs of this: Virtual Reality has brought us closer and has made our geographical location less important, and has given us the ability to experience new experiences that have never been seen before.

How will companies use this technology in the next few years? A group of successful entrepreneurs from the Young Entrepreneurs Association (YEC) discussed VR technology and presented some of the most attractive opportunities they believe.
1. Brands will use VR technology to increase customer loyalty
Brands and VR exist for each other. Companies and brands can provide customers with story-based VR experiences that attract customers in education and entertainment. This approach will create brand-new relationships with customers and allow them to become active participants rather than passive observers. For brands, the most difficult part is to make customers feel real, and the immersive and interactive VR experience allows customers to experience a deeper experience.
2. The teleconference will change
The previous conference call may be one of the most repugnant in the modern enterprise: staring at the flat screen, facing the pixilated face images, and carrying out a delayed conversation. Virtual reality will change this situation and replace it with more personal experience and natural reality. With the development of this technology, in the future we are expected to experience a new type of conference that combines expression, sight-line communication, and other human-specific elements. This will make our telecommuting life better and the conference more efficient. If this form is fully mature, it may even reduce the demand for travel.
3. For products that need to be tried properly, will increase their electronic trading volume
Virtual reality technology, together with augmented reality technology, will have a huge impact on online shopping, one of which is the product that needs to be tried (whether it is clothing or furniture). If you can "see" these things to determine whether it is appropriate, you will remove the buyer's concerns and promote the current stagnant online shopping. Before you buy, look at this sofa and your living room. This experience is really amazing.
4. VR technology will change the education market
With educational applications at all levels, including applications developed for the university classroom, virtual reality can make the learning process richer and more interesting, and can solve problems that people cannot solve independently in existing courses in a number of different ways. . If any company can provide educational products using VR technology, there will be practical opportunities.
5. The product design process will be improved
I think VR technology will improve the ability to design products. With VR and analog technology, people do not need to be in the same room to perform user tests, and with faster feedback, the modification speed can be faster, thereby reducing the total production cost.
6. People will have the opportunity to get a "ubiquitous" experience
In our imagination, the company's VR use cases are very limited. I predict that the large-scale applications that will appear in the near future will be in the e-commerce industry. At present, the biggest problem in e-commerce, whether it is for the store or the consumer, is that the actual object is inconsistent with expectations. With VR technology, users have the opportunity to operate their products "wherever they are" and better understand the products they want to buy. Similarly, booking hotel, car, travel and adventure is the same. Virtual reality will send the whole world to you just like the Internet, but this time it is more detailed in all aspects.
7. VR technology can enhance the entertainment experience of movies, media and games
The entertainment industry was the first industry to be subverted by VR technology. Imagine sitting in the living room and watching Super Bowl Rugby with VR technology. VR will make you feel like you are on the field. In movies and games, the impact is similar. Recently, when I was at the CES conference, I discovered that even a single VR startup company had a 10-minute team waiting to experience the demo. In my opinion, the VR economy will easily surpass the application economy.
8. VR brings improvements to the real estate industry
No one wants to buy the house when they look at the picture, but many people don't want to go all over the house. VR technology provides these people with a good way to see real estate close to home without spending too much effort. In this way, real estate agents can increase revenue while reducing field visits. For the real estate industry, this may be a more efficient and safer mode of operation. Although the application and field exploration on the mobile phone have prevailed at the moment, VR technology has the potential to change the way we invest in the real estate industry. There are huge opportunities for companies that can assist real estate agents to obtain real-time images of real estate in a more timely and friendly manner.
9. HR department can work 100% remotely
I think the best part of VR technology is that employees can interact with the HR department even more during interviews, training, or simple meetings. And no matter where you are, you can continue to work as if you were sitting together. For example: Instead of asking questions about the situation of the employees, just put them in the corresponding VR situation and observe their true reaction. This will make HR's work reach an unprecedented new height.
10. VR Technology Affects Health and Medical Industry
With VR technology, possible futures can be displayed as real scenes, resulting in a dramatic transformation. Athletes and doctors are already using hardware like OculusVR (acquired by Facebook) to demonstrate the goals to be achieved, including perfect health and fitness. People will eventually be able to surpass oneself, gain victory, defeat disease or achieve a perfect plan.
11. Will bring an immersive on-the-job learning experience
Individuals are most interested in virtual reality applications that promote learning and relationship building in the corporate environment. By facing virtual audiences, you can practice public speaking skills; by working in a virtualized office for a week, you can experience how companies in Japan operate; and you can communicate with your boss face-to-face on a regular basis through a virtual image. . If practical or geographic restrictions are removed, the amount of knowledge you can learn or teach will increase explosively.
12. Location will no longer be important
The era of our lives is already a virtual one. Using Skype, Google Hangouts and other tools, it doesn't matter where we are. However, with the development of virtual reality, not only is the geographic location no longer important in the future, even people who are thousands of miles apart seem to be together.
13. The physical store is about to rise again
Affected by the e-commerce of the Internet, physical stores have become more and more stagnant, and the tide of dismal business has continued to grow. Through VR technology can restore the offline physical store 1:1 real scenes on the Internet, at home can also allow consumers to experience the immersive experience of shopping, walking around the streets.

Electronic Components Transformer
Transformer is a device that USES the principle of electromagnetic induction to change the ac voltage. Its main components are primary coil, secondary coil and iron core.The main functions are: voltage transformation, current transformation, impedance transformation, isolation, voltage stabilization (magnetic saturation transformer), etc.According to use can be divided into: power transformer and special transformer (electric furnace change, rectifier, power frequency transformer, voltage regulator, mining, audio transformers, intermediate frequency transformer, high frequency transformer, impact transformer, instrument transformer, electronic transformer, reactor, transformer, etc.).The circuit symbol T is often used as the beginning of the number. Examples: T01, T201, etc.
Electronic Components Transformer, Electrical Transformer, AC Transformer, 12V Transformer