Why is the double inlet structure the most suitable purifier for Chinese households?

Studies have shown that indoor air pollution is higher than outdoor air pollution. Modern residential design is also one of the main culprits: the modern housing is more closed, causing air flow to stagnate and poor air circulation in the home. Contaminants therefore accumulate at home.


In the short term, it is obviously not feasible to improve indoor air quality through improved residential design. Therefore, it is necessary to open the doors and windows to accelerate the indoor air circulation speed when the outdoor is sunny. However, in the long run, it is a little powerless to rely on window ventilation to treat indoor air pollution.


It is gratifying that with the development of science and technology, more and more "artifacts" are appearing around us. Air purifiers are a great tool for dealing with indoor air pollution, and are also being welcomed by users. Favor. But the problem is coming - in the face of the mixed market, a variety of air purifiers, how do we choose?


As we all know, we choose a product to start from its brand, performance, price and other perspectives, as well as air purifiers. But whether it is performance or price, most of them are similar, and there is no obvious difference. Therefore, Xiaobian today teaches you how to identify good air purifiers from the perspective of the air purifier's airframe structure.


The air intake structure design of the air purifier is mainly divided into four categories: “box structure”, “tower structure”, “column structure” and “double side air inlet”. The next small series will be introduced one by one from these four categories.

Box structure

Most of the "box structure" adopts the "back-in and front-out" air intake mode, so that when the airframe is operated, not only the ventilation is small, the air in and out is uneven, and it is easy to raise the dust on the floor around the fuselage. Efficiently purifying the air has become an "accomplice" of indoor air pollution. Moreover, the CADR values ​​that can be achieved with box-type air purifiers are quite limited (maximum 300-500 cubic meters per hour). If this range is exceeded, it is easy to generate noise and affect the quality of life at home.


Tower structure

For the "tower structure" air purifier, its biggest advantage is "use material foot". Since most of these air purifiers use a thick single filter element, the body can be filled with approximately 2 kg of activated carbon. But even so, it can't make up for the disadvantages of high power consumption and environmental protection. In addition, because of its thick filter, it has to be equipped with a good motor, which undoubtedly increases the cost of the fuselage. Even if the final choice of a good motor, but the wind resistance is low, so that its CADR value can not reach a high level (only 440 cubic / hour), not worth the candle.


Column structure

The biggest feature of the column-type air purifier is that the bottom filter element is generally cylindrical. This compact design is mainly to increase the area of ​​the filter, and then increase the service life of the filter. However, such air purifiers have been unable to overcome the technical difficulty of noise. Because most of the column-type air purifiers have narrow air passages, noise is easily generated when the air intake enters the air, which reduces the user's comfort experience.


Double inlet structure

The “double-intake” air purifiers are mostly designed with “double-side air intake and upper air outlet”. This unique design not only accelerates air circulation, reduces purification dead angles, but more importantly, it can create Higher CADR values ​​(maximum 700 cubic meters per hour). Secondly, most of these air purifiers only need one motor, so you don't have to worry about the problem of excessive energy consumption. It is absolutely economical and environmentally friendly.


It is also worth mentioning that the biggest advantage of double-sided air intake is its CADR noise ratio, which can guarantee lower noise while pursuing higher CADR values ​​(the CADR value in silent mode easily breaks through 200 cubic meters per hour, which is positive It is completely unmatched by the other three types of air intake structures), the best of both worlds. Therefore, when you are asleep at night, you can completely modulate this type of air purifier into a silent mode, which can effectively purify the air and safely and comfortably sleep.


It can be seen that there are disadvantages in box, tower or column structure. Or can not achieve a higher CADR value, or a single pursuit of higher CADR values, but at the expense of high energy consumption and high noise, the two can not be balanced. The double inlet structure subtly avoids these drawbacks. It can not only have a high CADR value, but also does not generate too much noise. It is double-edged and finally stands out in various structural air purifiers.


So whether it is due to high CADR value, low energy consumption or low noise, the double-intake air purifier is definitely the best choice for Chinese families. It is definitely your home economy, energy saving, comfort and efficiency. The primary companion for purifying the air (currently the dual-intake air purifiers on the market mainly include the Swedish Dusit Air Purifier).

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