Elevator regular inspection system - Solutions - Huaqiang Electronic Network

RF cable can be customized for other specifications
SMD aluminum electrolytic capacitor

1. The elevator safety management personnel apply for regular inspection to the special equipment safety inspection agency of the quality and technical supervision department one month before the expiration of the elevator safety inspection qualification mark.
2. The elevator is reactivated after one year of decommissioning, or major equipment accidents and casualties occur, or natural disasters (such as fire, flooding, earthquakes, lightning strikes, high winds, etc.) that may affect its safety technology performance.
After that, the elevator safety management personnel should also apply for inspection to the special equipment safety supervision and inspection agency.
3. If the elevator is deactivated for a long time, but has not been more than one year, the elevator safety management personnel may apply to the unit equipment management department for internal safety inspection, and consider that it is necessary to apply for safety inspection to the special equipment safety supervision and inspection agency.
4. The application for elevator safety technical inspection shall be in writing, one for the department that performs the inspection, and the other for the safety management of the elevator to be kept as the elevator management file.

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