Big head: $200 Beats headset costs only $18

According to a report written by Bolt engineer Avery Louis, the Beats headset, now Apple's, costs far less than the retail price. Avery Louis decided to dismantle the Beats Solo HD headset, which was priced at $199 in 2013. After dismantling, Avery Louis estimated that the total material cost (including the cost of mold opening and production of individual parts) was only $16.89, accounting for 8.5% of the retail price. Although bill of materials (BOM) costs, excluding research and development, labor, transportation Or the retailer's profit cost.
Big head: $200 Beats headset costs only $18
But it also shows how expensive the actual retail price of the headset component is. For example, the cost of two speakers in the Beats Solo HD headset is only $1.80. During his disassembly process, Avery Louis found that some were used separately. The metal piece that adds the total weight of the earphone makes the earphone feel more full. 30% of the weight of the Beats Solo HD earphone comes from four metal parts, which makes the Beats Solo HD earphone total weight more than 100 grams.
Big head: $200 Beats headset costs only $18

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