Military-civilian integration is a feasible way to promote the rapid development of energy storage technology

On April 11, Chen Shengjun, chairman of Jixing Technology, pointed out that energy storage technology is promising in the fields of military-civilian integration, military participation, civil participation, military and civilian cooperation. Chen Shengjun said that the military field first pursues performance, and the civilian sector considers cost more. In the end, both will balance technology and cost.

Military-civilian integration is a feasible way to promote the rapid development of energy storage technology

Chen Shengjun said that the development of energy storage technology, military and civilian use is basically in the synchronous stage, especially in the past 20 years, new technologies such as lithium batteries, super capacitors, fuel cells, flywheel technology, etc. are all civilian first, in civilian use. The field makes a prototype of the technical principle, and then really invests in the use of military products, that is, "the people join the army."

Chen Shengjun also bluntly stated that from the multiple subsidy policies of energy storage, it can be seen that the cost factors in civilian products are still outstanding, but some technologies have already mature applications in military products. He hopes that the energy storage technology that is currently in the commercialization stage can work hard to reduce costs during the “transfer to the people”. Chen Shengjun said that the combination of technology and military products will promote the cost and effectiveness of military products. From the perspective of idealization, the field of energy storage is military high-performance, low-cost civilian use, and the integration of military and civilian forces has led to the low cost of high-performance products.

Chen Shengjun said that energy storage technology will play a major role in the future military field. The integration of military and civilian is an effective and feasible way to promote the rapid development of energy storage technology.

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