Ricoh Huilian completes 10 million Pre-A wheels, and the smart home layout will be fully opened.

Recco Huilian announced today that it has completed the company's Pre-A round of RMB 10 million financing. This investment will be led by the dry tomorrow, creating a high security and investment, marking the strategy of RAK Rui Ke Huilian in the high-end smart home ecology in Europe and America. The layout has been fully opened.

RAK is a provider of IoT middleware products and solutions based in Shenzhen, with branches in Beijing, Shanghai and Chengdu. Starting from this, RAK has been conducting ecological analysis and product development in the US smart security home market since 2015, and has already cooperated fully with the mainstream domestic smart home and security platforms such as Amazon Alexa, Apple HomeKit, IFTTT and Ag Monitor.

Ruike Huilian completed 10 million Pre-A wheels, and the smart home layout was fully opened.

After this round of financing, RAK will increase the company's first-mover advantage in the smart home middleware productization, accelerate the accumulation and deep expansion of the mainstream market in Europe and the United States, formally establish embedded middleware, ShaaS (ie Smarthome As a Service) and ODM The service organization structure of the service further penetrates the high-end home security service market in Europe and America with a multi-level product matrix.

Ruike Huilian completed 10 million Pre-A wheels, and the smart home layout was fully opened.

Middleware-based IoT complete system solution

This joint venture will make a joint investment with Hehuang Security, and complete the first round of financing after the repurchase of the self-employed team. Relying on the future of the data chain and the channel advantages of the high security in the smart home and service market in Europe and America, RAK will focus on the accumulation and reserve of ecology and technology, comprehensively improve the market performance, and get through the smart home from the equipment to The chain of data is used to establish a closed loop of business.

RAK's first financing came from Puyin International's investment and loan linkage. Since then, RAK has absorbed the three forces of financial capital, industrial capital and venture capital, and has transformed the capital advantage into a resource advantage. Based on the product technology as the paddle and the capital resource as the sail concept, the bow heads to Europe and the United States.

Ruike Huilian completed 10 million Pre-A wheels, and the smart home layout was fully opened.

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