Huawei cooperates with many Japanese companies to develop Internet of Things and 5G technology

4G communication is in the ascendant, and 5G communication has entered people's field of vision. Huawei, which has always relied on technology as its core competitiveness, is very optimistic about the future of the Internet of Things and the future of 5G technology. It not only won the 5G control channel eMBB scene coding scheme, but also wants to push the technology to the world.

On November 28, according to the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. will set up a cutting-edge technology research and development base in Japan to cooperate with many Japanese companies to develop the Internet of Things and 5G wireless technology.

Huawei cooperates with many Japanese companies to develop Internet of Things and 5G technologies_Huawei, 5G, Internet of Things, wireless network technology

Huawei cooperates with many Japanese companies to develop Internet of Things and 5G technology

Earlier, Huawei's rotating CEO Hu Houkun predicted that future mobile applications will carry all services, and the ubiquitous connection is transforming the physical world into the digital world. By 2025, the number of global connections will reach 100 billion. More importantly, the form of connectivity will extend from a single physical connection to a physical + virtual digital connection, and the value growth will far exceed the industry's imagination. .

At present, Huawei has a market-oriented product development base and a leading technology research base "Xlabo". In addition to Shenzhen and Shanghai, Huawei also has “Xlabo” in Munich, Germany. Huawei plans to open a research and development center in Tokyo next year, which will also be the second overseas R&D center. It is estimated that the initial technical team will be about 20 to 30 people, and then scale up as the development progresses.

It is reported that Huawei will invite Japanese companies and certification bodies to join the newly established research center. In addition, Huawei also plans to strengthen cooperation with Softbank and Japan Telecom Docomo in the 5G field, and hopes to cooperate with Sony in VR technology and Toshiba and Yaskawa Electric in the industry.

According to the MM research institute's April-September shipment survey data, Huawei accounted for 17.7% of the Japanese flat-panel market, second only to Apple. Apple also plans to set up a research and development center in Yokohama earlier next year. Both companies have a strong interest in image processing related projects, including virtual reality, and Sony is a leader in the field. Many of Apple's high-end hardware products are also produced in Japanese factories. Obviously, Huawei is struggling to catch up with it, aiming to shorten the gap with the world's giant Apple.

Why did Huawei choose to enter Japan and strengthen cooperation with Japan Telecom Docomo in 5G?

First of all, at 0:45 am local time on November 17, in the 3GPP 187 187th meeting of the 5G short code program discussion, after arduous efforts and extremely brutal competition, the Chinese company's main push Polar Code (polarization) The code) scheme becomes the 5G control channel eMBB scene coding scheme.

Second, Japan has the latest technology and high fiber-optic network penetration rate that can be applied in the field of Internet of Things. At the beginning of the century, Docomo took the lead in the mobile field with its innovative i-mode technology. Even the telecom equipment giant Nokia established a research and development center in Tokyo. Now with the arrival of 5G, Japanese companies headed by Docomo see opportunities.

Finally, together with the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, the global outlook will once again be sent to Japan. The government is also preparing for the arrival of the Internet of Things era, and has also established the IoT AcceleraTIon ConsorTIum. For Japan, there is also a need for strategic alliances from overseas.

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