Last November, AMD launched Radeon Software Crimson EdiTIon, a newly designed driver software suite. After more than a year, AMD once again updated its Radeon Software, launching the Radeon Software Crimson ReLive desktop version and the Radeon Pro Software Crimson ReLive Professional Edition. The latest LiquidVR (focus on VR API suite) suite adds two more important VR rendering features in addition to the Oculus Rift asynchronous space warp.
The new driver supports cutting-edge APIs such as DX12 and Vulkan, and extends support for Linux. AMD also promises to continue to support open source technologies and tools, including support for AMD GPU-PRO hybrid Linux drivers, and of course continue to strongly support the GPUOpen Kaiyuan project. Unfortunately, this graphics card update is only for the 4xx Polaris series, AMD's statement in Reddit shows that the company is "looking for the feasibility of enabling asynchronous space warping on other/old components."
Asynchronous Space Warp (ASW) is a new feature released on Oculus Connect this year. It is an upgraded version of asynchronous time warp to correct the jitter caused by player position movement (including position translation and head rotation). After this feature was announced, Oculus announced that the previous minimum configuration requirements may be deprecated. In addition to ASW, the latest LiquidVR (focus on VR API Suite) kit adds two more important VR rendering features. MulTIView is AMD's matching NVIDIA SMP (Synchronous Multi-Projection) rendering capability, which can be greatly improved when rendering stereo scenes. effectiveness. MulTIRes is a rendering feature that matches NVIDIA's MulTI-res Shading (multi-resolution shading), which reduces the detail of the user's field of view edge rendering view and optimizes performance.
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