In the past decade, we have witnessed the tremendous changes that the Internet has brought to people's lives. From viewing weather forecasts, information chats, online shopping to booking tickets, Internet technology has revolutionized human life. Today, the Internet of Things era is coming, it will be a system ten thousand times larger than the traditional Internet. In the future, almost all of the devices around us, such as smartphones, refrigerators, TVs, washing machines, cars, street lamps, factory equipment, etc., are connected to the Internet. People, data, and devices will form a huge network.
Many years ago, Blue Giant IBM proposed the concept of "smart planet" to use information technology to improve human life in a smarter way. Now IBM is spending $3 billion to build the IBM Watson IoT Platform IoT cloud service platform, incorporating Watson IoT with cognitive analysis (artificial intelligence) technology from business analytics, storage space, data and analytics, IoT, Web, mobile applications. To Watson's semantic recognition, analysis, prediction and other more than 100 functional modules, users can easily achieve unexpected results by simply calling these modules.
At present, countries around the world are vigorously supporting the development of the Internet of Things industry. According to Gartner's forecast, the number of IoT devices used worldwide will exceed 20 billion by 2020. Billions of devices generate data every day. These massive data hide huge business opportunities. More and more companies are beginning to see the future from the data and find the best way to enhance their future competitiveness. The emergence of the IBM Watson IoT Platform provides an excellent platform for companies to explore new business opportunities.
Smart buildings make every energy consumption visible
We have experienced three major industrial revolutions, from the advent of steam engines to the invention of electric lights and generators, the use of petroleum energy (the invention of internal combustion engines and automobiles). Humans have used energy to the fullest. However, the excessive development and consumption of fossil energy has caused serious damage to the environment. Today, we are experiencing the effects of climate warming. As the sea level rises due to the melting of polar glaciers, countless islands on the planet are facing a crisis of disappearance. It is imperative to reduce energy consumption and realize smart energy management.
Building is a large energy consumer. It is also called the three major energy-intensive industries with transportation and industry. Building energy consumption has accounted for nearly 40% of the total energy consumption in the country. Developing green buildings is an inevitable choice. China is in the period of rapid urbanization, with more than 40 billion square meters of urban and rural housing. 95% of these houses are high-energy buildings. Once the building is built, it will start to generate energy consumption, such as heating, air conditioning, lighting, kitchen facilities, washing machines, etc., which are the leading part of building energy consumption. The equipment is monitored through the Internet of Things platform, and energy consumption is clear at a glance. It is of great significance.
IBM is leveraging superior cloud computing and big data analytics to address energy loss issues for users. SogeTI High Tech built an IoT intelligent building solution using the IBM Watson IoT Platform service in Bluemix, enabling remote monitoring and control of local sensors and devices. Usually, the form of building energy consumption includes electricity, coal, natural gas, and steam and hot water for central heating. The data of this energy-consuming equipment is collected by sensors, and then sent to the IBM IoT platform through the IoT gateway to generate the system. Dynamic data is monitored by users in real time.
The IBM Watson IoT Platform is not limited by time and region. Users can view the temperature, brightness, noise and operation of household appliances in any building and room anytime and anywhere. Users can also remotely switch off the power equipment for intelligent remote management. . IBM Watson IoT provides a simple, secure, and scalable communication architecture that enables IoT data to be delivered via MQTT, ensuring data security and speed. Based on open source Cloud Foundry technology, IBM Watson IoT is open and flexible enough to meet the individual needs of users. Whether it is equipment monitoring or predictive analysis, users can make secondary designs according to their own needs.
protection board
Shenzhen Zhifu New Energy Co., Ltd. ,