Written to digital engineers using FPGAs: How to simplify FPGA powering

I have to admit that powering FPGAs has become more complex over time. This article provides some suggestions for helping to simplify FPGA power solutions, enabling users to create quick and easy solutions.

There are several power supply design issues to consider when powering an FPGA, such as:

1. Increased the number of output voltage rails

2. Need to set the set point accuracy for the power rail

3. Need to optimize the passive board layout in the design to achieve very low ripple noise

4. Requires AC transient response and compensation loop

Also, don't forget to have sorting and more features you need. Figure 1 shows a typical FPGA power solution in an FPGA development kit. In addition to choosing the right device and inductor, the design requires some additional expertise. For example, you need to consider the details of component placement and board layout.

Figure 1. Typical FPGA Power Solution

Figure 1. Typical FPGA Power Solution

So how can we simplify the design?

Fortunately, there are a variety of solutions that help simplify. In this article, I will focus on two innovative technologies that will help you achieve your design goals quickly and easily.

The first technology to focus on is the WEBENCH FPGA Architect design tool (principle design plus simulation results) for creating FPGA power solutions.

The WEBENCH FPGA Architect design tool helps you:

Choose the FPGA vendor you want

Select the FPGA product family you will be using

Meet the power requirements defined by the FPGA Power Estimator tool provided by the FPGA vendor

Perform these simple steps to achieve an FPGA power solution and optimize it in terms of product size, efficiency and cost. This easy-to-use tool can help you overcome your initial obstacles and reduce your design time from days to minutes to gain a lead.

The second is an integrated inductor power module that simplifies the design.

Power modules integrate inductors primarily in a single IC package, but can also integrate other external components such as FETs, compensation loops (if needed), and feedback resistors. Power modules are very versatile, such as enabling and power-good pins for sequencing, and requiring minimal external components such as input capacitors, output capacitors, and possibly a feedback resistor. This module helps to simplify the power solution of Figure 1 to the solution of Figure 2. Integrated inductor power modules can be used to power FPGAs and are considered by FPGA manufacturers to be a suitable power solution. In addition, these modules help simplify board layout and help you complete designs faster than ever before.

Figure 2. Integrated inductor power module with LMZ30602

Figure 2. Integrated inductor power module with LMZ30602

If you have other tips on how to simplify FPGA power supply design, you are welcome to leave a message.

ROMA King 7000

Nanning Nuoxin Technology Co., Ltd. , https://www.nx-vapes.com

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