Advantages of the one-wire interface method in signal acquisition

The lower computer monitoring system includes four components: single chip microcomputer, temperature signal acquisition module, humidity signal acquisition module, cooling and ventilation equipment control module. As the data processing and communication core of the lower computer system, the single chip microcomputer is the bridge linking the terminal equipment and the industrial control computer. The temperature and Zibo electric drum humidity sensors are the system data collection terminals. The cooling and ventilation equipment are the direct adjustment mechanisms to maintain the normal environmental conditions of the warehouse. .

The DS18B20 sensor is used for temperature signal acquisition module design. The DS18B20 sensor has a unique one-wire interface. The Hebei aeration head has the ability to communicate with one signal line at multiple points, which simplifies distributed temperature sensing applications. Available data power supply, voltage range is 3.0V to 5.5V.

The temperature measurement range is wide, from -55 ~ 125 ℃, and the accuracy reaches 0.5 ℃. It provides 9 to 12-bit one-wire interface, data transmission and hardware connection is very convenient, and has a wide range of uses, including air-conditioning environment control, sensing of temperature or equipment in the building, and process detection and control. DS18B20 can be fully used in the system to meet the requirements.

In order to improve the measurement accuracy of the system, the frequency collected by the lower computer is sent to the upper computer, and the upper computer performs corresponding processing in a segmented form. The monitoring system of the host computer sends out the cooling and ventilation equipment control signals, and then it is processed by the single-chip computer and then controls the related actions of the field equipment. Because the cooling device is a high-power device relative to the single-chip microcomputer, in order to ensure safety and reduce the interference of the high-power device to the single-chip system, a photoelectric isolating switch and a relay contactor are used to isolate the cooling and ventilation equipment from the single-chip microcomputer.

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