Mobile VR has always dominated both price and portability, but location tracking has always been its weakness. This also directly affects users' experience in virtual reality, and their actions and interactions are limited.
At present, Samsung's Gear VR has not launched the actual second new product. The outside world has been curious as to whether the second generation can make a breakthrough in location tracking. Recently, there have been media reports that the tech fans of the Galaxy Club recently discovered a patent application filed by Samsung in South Korea about VR head-eye and face tracking technology, which seems to confirm the public's guess.
If Samsung's patent is true, then the advantages of Gear VR are obvious. And according to the revealed message, the next generation of Gear VR may support more motion sensors, and may support the room size virtual reality experience like Vive. If mobile VR can overcome the problem of position tracking, users can get rid of the traditional handles. While playing VR games, they can also move freely in the virtual space, and the immersion enhancement is obvious.
Of course, it is not certain that these features will appear in the second generation of Gear VR. However, by revealing the patent information, it is still known that Samsung is indeed considering adding additional sensors and tracking functions to its popular mobile VR head display.
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