Multiplayer online! "Nothin' But Net" Game Added

Today, a game called Nothin' But Net was put on the shelves. Xiao Bian felt it for the first time. He felt that the game was like a combination of Hoops VR and Billiard Kingdom VR, which is the VR of the basketball world. 》, haha.

"Nothin' But Net" game, first of all with "Hoops VR" shooting game, followed by it also has "billiards National VR" the feeling of the entire space, players can play in a basketball court, at the same time the game also supports Many people online, if you see other small partners can not be surprised at the shooting, of course, you can give him mess, although the basketball court does not have a bottle, ha ha.

Now that "Nothin' But Net" is on steam, it is still the first to experience the version. After that, it is estimated that there will be more elements to increase.

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