I bought several Kindles in succession and I have been using them for some time.
Some products have been discontinued, and some are still online.
Now I've used it to give you a summary.
In order of purchase, the products are: Kindle Keyboard-->Kindle DXG-->KPW-->KPW2
Because at first I only wanted to buy a book, I started with kindle3. At that time, there were 3G. I could play over the wall. Although it was extremely slow, I couldn't use it later.
At that time, all kinds of protective shells were also very expensive. This was still made on a certain treasure.
The advantages and disadvantages of Kindle3 are obvious. Of course, it is much stronger than 2 and it has been discontinued for a long time. The keyboard is not very useful. Even if you just want to buy a book, it is not recommended to use it again.
2. Kindle DXGBecause it caught sight of its big screen, so out of kindle3, into this. When doing homework, found that it is also comes with 3G card, but unfortunately can not over the wall.
The screen is large, look PDF is cool, inconvenient place is too heavy, add a protective shell is even more Shen!!! No way to carry.
Later when KPW was released, it was also put out.
3.KPWThe green is KPW, using a protective sleeve bought by a certain treasure.
At that time, compared with the DXG, the gap was so great! I think this is in line with all the imagination, it should not need to update the equipment, and then of course was beaten.
It turns out that technology is only better, not the best, and it really bought KPW2
4.KPW2 At this point, although the hardware, such as KPW3, voyage, OASIS, and so on, are getting higher and higher, the performance is getting better and better.
Tell yourself, go here, and use it slowly (The root cause is not money...)
This is the official original leather case, feels great
KPW2's backlight is much better than KPW. (Many comic books are now 1 cents, and they are bought directly on Kindle. It's a good deal!)
By the way,
The appearance of the first generation and the second generation are basically the same, and the bottom interface is the same. Each protective shell can be used universally.
To conclude, if you just want to read a book, you can buy KPW2. If you have enough money, KPW3 is enough. After a better experience, look at voyage and OASIS. After all, the purpose of buying Kindle is to read books. Now I personally still have a book. It's unbearable to take notes and make notes with this refresh rate touch screen.
Useful kindle direct notes, welcome replies exchange ~ ~ ~
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