Samsung Electronics is the world's largest TV maker. Recently, Samsung has upgraded the user interface of smart TVs. Consumers have found that Samsung has implanted advertisements. They are very dissatisfied with this.
According to foreign media reports such as AdAge, TrustedReviews, Samsung Electronics has been planning for the television interface for a long time. In the middle of this year, U.S. media reported that Samsung is already preparing for TV-side advertisements, in which advertisers are sought through Samsung and external advertising companies to sell advertising space.

It should be pointed out that through system upgrades, Samsung can not only force advertisements on new smart TVs, but also influence old TV users.
It is reported that some users have seen changes in their system interface since the beginning of this month, and several ad spots have appeared in Samsung. These ad slots cannot be undone unless the user interrupts the network connection.
However, AdAge reports that, overall, Samsung TV ads have less interference with users. For example, a certain advertising space will occupy three-fourths of the screen space, but the premise is that users interact with the ads.
In the social news commentary website Reddit, many Samsung TV users expressed dissatisfaction with the behavior of inserting advertisements. Samsung said that these advertisements will be displayed according to the interests of consumers. In addition, advertisements can be removed through settings. However, some users pointed out that even if they were set up according to Samsung's saying, they would still see advertisements.
One consumer stated that Samsung must select one of the free services to insert advertisements or charge services without advertising. This person said that too many advertisements is the reason that they abandoned the cable TV, and therefore they are not willing to see too many advertisements in the Samsung TV.
Some media speculated that due to the opposition of users, Samsung Electronics may cancel the plan to insert advertising space through software updates.
According to reports, Samsung Electronics sells as many as 50 million TV sets each year. Together with the existing inventory, Samsung TVs have a large number of users in the world. If they can display advertising space in the user's interface for selecting content, this will give The company brings a lot of advertising revenue.
It is reported that the Samsung executive responsible for the television advertising business named Lee Won-jin, who worked in the advertising industry for many years, is Samsung's outstanding talent from Google (microblogging) in 2014.
Analysts pointed out that the TV market is declining year by year, and the profit margin is extremely low. This makes it necessary for Samsung Electronics' TV business to seek advertising and other sources of income in addition to hardware sales.
It is worth mentioning that the display of advertisements in the user interface of smart TVs is not unique to Samsung. Many TV manufacturers have already taken this approach.
In the aspect of hardware product tying advertisements, has launched a method to alleviate user aversion, that is, the hardware products are launched in the advertising version and the ordinary version. The version of the implanted advertisement is sold at a lower price, which is equivalent to the comparison of consumer sacrifice experience. Low purchase cost.
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