Apple auto-driving car officially launched, multi-picture exposure!

It was discovered on the road in Silicon Valley that Apple’s self-driving car turned out to be like this.

Earlier this month, Apple officially obtained a license to test autonomous vehicles in California. The California Vehicle Administration (DMV) subsequently published a complete document of Apple's application for an automated driving test license. The document shows that Apple will officially launch their autopilot test using three 2015 Lexus RXh450s.

Earlier this month, Apple officially obtained a license to test autonomous vehicles in California. The California Vehicle Administration (DMV) subsequently published a complete document of Apple's application for an automated driving test license. The document shows that Apple will officially launch their autopilot test using three 2015 Lexus RXh450s.

Now, someone has found Apple's test autopilot on the road in Silicon Valley. Twitter user @atbwebb released a small video showing the Lexus RXh450 equipped with various sensors.

Subsequently, Bloomberg News also confirmed the Lexus RXh450 for Apple testing. According to photo analysis, Apple's test car includes a range of third-party sensors and hardware, including Velodyne's 64-line lidar and a range of cameras. According to industry analysts who have seen photos, Lidar is likely to be the standard product directly purchased by Apple, not customized by Velodyne.

Earlier this month, Apple officially obtained a license to test autonomous vehicles in California. The California Vehicle Administration (DMV) subsequently published a complete document of Apple's application for an automated driving test license. The document shows that Apple will officially launch their autopilot test using three 2015 Lexus RXh450s.

In December last year, Apple submitted a letter to the US Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), acknowledging Apple for the first time "to invest heavily in machine learning and automation, and optimistic about the development potential of automation systems, including transportation." Found to test autonomous cars on the road, Apple declined to comment and revealed more details, but we can be sure that Apple has really started to act on autonomous driving.

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