[Abstract] Kortex claims to be the most scientific wearable helmet in the world. It can be used with virtual reality devices to stimulate the brain to produce serotonin while reducing stress hormones. It helps you easily overthrow insomnia and stress two mountains.
Tencent Digital (Mike) Every night, you are like this
Or is this?
There is no doubt that it is definitely the latter. Insomnia has become a common problem among modern urban people. The culprit leading to this situation is none other than pressure. How to get a good night's sleep and sleep well has become the second largest non-solvable problem after “What to eat todayâ€.
How can we effectively relieve stress and sleep better at night? A few days ago, a smart headset device called Kortex can help you handle them.
Known as the world's most scientific wearable helmet, this Kortex is used with virtual reality devices to stimulate the brain to produce serotonin while reducing stress hormones, helping you easily overthrow insomnia and stress two mountains.
If there is no wire connection on the helmet, this Kortex is not much different from a normal hair band. There is a warrior warrior.
Of course, Kortex can also be used with the Samsung Gear VR, depending on the use.
When Kortex was added to a VR device and the user was immersed in a realistic virtual reality screen, relaxation and meditation were used to effectively enhance the user experience.
Now the picture provided by Kortex is not covered. It is a development team teamed up with the developers of Monument Valley.
Of course, in the future, the Kortex team will work with other content providers to improve the helmet content display and the services it provides.
Although Kortex uses electrode stimulation to stimulate the scalp, it does not have to be scared and it will hardly cause any discomfort.
At present, this Kortex has started to raise crowdfunding on Indiegogo, and the crowdfunding target is 75,000 US dollars. Crowdfunding price is 299 US dollars (about 2050 yuan), if you suffer from insomnia, try it out.
Source: Indiegogo
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