As the New Year approaches, there are always a lot of big and small festivals that let us relax. For manufacturers, festivals often mean promotions. During the Christmas season, the app stores of major VR platforms also launched a number of promotional combinations, allowing fans to experience the most interesting VR applications at a lower price. Let us introduce it below.
This holiday, if you want to spend a VR season, whether it is VR related hardware gifts or looking for a VR game suitable for the holiday experience in the store, we can always benefit from these winter promotions, players can expand their content library Not to squeeze out your wallet.
Oculus Winter Promotions
The Oculus Winter Promotions officially began this week and will end on January 3, 2017. This promotion covers both Rift and GearVR hardware, hundreds of VR content, and promotions can be reduced by up to 70%.
For Rift users, they can choose from a variety of top-ranking applications, some support the original gamepad, and some support the new Touch controller. Players are free to pick up the content or choose an additional 25% discount on the promotion combination. It includes the famous "Cosmic Pirate Trainer", "I hope you die", "Graffiti Kingdom", "Current VR" and "Climb" combination package will not be missed by Touch users.
On Gear VR, we can try Ocean Rift, which is very suitable for home users, and "No one will continue to speak when you continue to speak", or "Gunjack" in action.
Viveport Festival Promotions
Viveport's positioning is different from SteamVR, so it can bring some very good non-gaming VR applications to Vive users. The best package in it contains eight apps that nominate the Viveport Developer Awards.
This promotional package will be 50% cheaper than buying it separately. It includes "Wonderful Device", "Firebird: Fairy", "Sound Field" and more.
Merry Craftmas
Some developers from MANDT VR and Freeform Labs have just formed a new team to develop this content called Craftmas. It's a pleasant, highly interactive VR experience that's perfect for Christmas because it gives families a virtual Christmas tree that lets everyone create their own virtual ornaments to decorate it. It sells for $4.99 on Steam and the top 500 registered people get free downloads.
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