24v DC Worm Gear Motor is the most common used worm gear motor. Dc Worm Gear Motor has a low efficiency, so while working, it is necessary to save energy as much as possible.
DC Worm Gear Motor including a dc motor with a worm gearbox. A worm gearbox means the output shaft is vertical with the dc motor shaft. Connecting the gears with the motor, there is a worm gear. DC Worm Gear Motor has very low efficiency, normally for the first stage, the efficiency will loss at least half. However, dc worm gear motor is widely applied on some products need with self-lock function. Like the automatic range hood in the kitchen, or the roller blind motor.
The dc worm gear motor has the following characteristics:
1. Achieve great speed reduction through high gear ratio. Normally reduce the speed as low as 3-5 rpm.
2. Achieve vertical transform by the worm gear
3. With self-lock function to prevent the back-driving.

24V Dc Worm Gear Motor,24V Dc Motor Gear Motor,24V Dc Motor Gear Reduction,24V Dc Gear Motor
SHENZHEN DONGMING MOTOR CO., LTD. , http://www.dongminggp.com