1. First confirm the installation position of the water heater. If it is installed in the shower room, it must be installed with a forced-discharge type (balanced water heater); if it is installed in the kitchen, it can be installed with a forced exhaust type (strong discharge type) water heater; In order to reduce the indoor space occupied and installed outside the balcony, an outdoor type water heater is used.
Deposit Safe is a secure and protective cash storage container, which is widely used in stores and shops.
There is an opening for coins;
Deposit safe is anti-drilling, anti-burglar and anti-force;
Mechanical Lock + key, double protection is included;
Customization of design and sizes are available;
When the door is locked, money can only be put in but cannot be taken out unless with correct codes;
There is an emergency key for emergency situations .
Deposit Safe
High Security Burlary Safe Box,Safe Electronic Safe,Safe Deposit Lockers