The global high-brightness LED market reached US$8.25 billion in 2010. It is expected that the output value will grow to US$12.6 billion in 2011, and the annual growth rate is estimated at 53%. It is estimated that the global high-brightness LED output value in 2012 and 2013 will reach US$16.8 billion and US$21.9 billion, respectively, and the annual growth rate will still reach 30% or more.
Mainly due to the accelerated expansion of LED lighting applications, including South Korea, Taiwan, mainland China and other places to actively expand production. According to the total number of high-brightness LEDs, the compound growth rate will reach 28.6% from 2009 to 2013. Among them, LED lighting applications will use a multi-year compound growth rate of 97.4%, which not only exceeds the overall LED industry growth. The magnitude also exceeds the annual compound growth rate of 62.6% for LED backlights for LCD displays.
As for the expansion of the MOCVD machine, according to the DIGITIMESReasearch survey, in 2010, the number of orders placed on the MOCVD machine for LED production equipment was higher than that of South Korean and Taiwanese manufacturers. As the installed peak of MOCVD machines in mainland China will fall in 2011, it is estimated that the total number of new MOCVD machines installed in China in 2011 will be 60% in the Asia-Pacific region.

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