Graphical 60 Hz time base generation circuit

The figure shows the 60Hz timebase generation circuit. In many occasions, 60Hz has become a reference reference frequency, such as electronic clocks, timers, controllers, etc., are all designed to use 60Hz as its working reference signal. Therefore, it is often necessary to have a separate 60Hz signal source suitable for portable or battery-powered circuits and for testing and development. This circuit is composed of an integrated circuit MM5369 time-base generator. The device requires an external crystal. The crystal is cut to the frequency of a standard 3.579545 MHz color television "color sync signal." The output of the circuit is two frequencies of 60Hz and 3.58MHz. With a variable capacitor of 5 to 50pF, the circuit can output the correct frequency. This frequency can be monitored with a frequency meter or similar instrument.

The figure shows the 60Hz time base generating circuit

Intel Motherboards

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