Method for realizing farm soil moisture detection by lorawan method

LoRaWAN layering

The overall structure is divided into four parts:

The communication process communication of LoRaWAN from the bottom to the end user can be roughly divided into three sections:

MOTE <---> GW (MAC layer)

GW <---> server

Server <---> user

The LoRa Alliance specifies the communication protocol of the MAC layer. Only the devices of different hardware vendors can access each other under the premise of the MAC layer protocol that the devices (GW, MOTE) comply with.

The GW <---> Server and Server <---> user two-layer protocol is regulated by the LoRa Alliance, but there may be differences between different vendors.


Mote/Node is the node. In LoRaWAN, the node is usually connected to the sensor. It is responsible for collecting the sensor data and transmitting it to the Gateway through the LoRaMAC protocol.


Gateway is also the gateway, which is mainly responsible for transmitting the data of the node to the server, that is, completing the conversion of data from LoRa mode to network mode. Gateway does not process the data, but is responsible for packaging and packaging the data, and then transmitting it to the server. .


According to LoRaWAN regulations, Server is divided into four parts - NS (Network server), AS (Application server), CS (Customer server), NC (Network controller)

The division of labor and functions of each of them are different. I will mention it in a follow-up article.


Users generally only use the data intuitively, usually APP or other client-side methods to obtain data from the server.

Application Analysis

Here I use LoRaWAN to implement the soil moisture detection of the farm to specify the difference between the various parts.

The detection of soil moisture in farms is mainly divided into several steps:

Realize sensor to collect soil moisture (sensor layer)

Send the collected soil moisture to the GW (LoRaMac layer) via MOTE

The GW sends the received data to the NS (GW<--->Server)

NS then sends the data to the user (Server<--->Customer)

The user can see the humidity state of the soil through the APP or other means. (Display)

Through the above several steps, remote monitoring of farm soil moisture can be achieved.

Zpal Vape

Shenzhen Zpal Technology Co.,Ltd ,

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