In the wilderness, two smart figures moved around, and in front of it was a wild deer that was fleeing, behind it was a hungry cheetah. The wild deer can't decide whether their destiny is to become a delicious dinner or to escape from the sky. Just because there is no hidden concealment, they have to become a belly meal. Privacy is important, at least in nature driven by the wild. Sometimes the chance of survival is only once, there is no regret, once the whereabouts are revealed, the whole market is lost.
From the most primitive point of view, hiding is the instinct to avoid predators, and everyone's interest in seeing camouflage and defense has never been reduced, perhaps because of the instinct that is hidden in the blood, in the most wanted superpower list. The ability to see through is always among the best. Some time ago, Lei found a paper published by the Technical University of Munich, and their researchers developed a technique for generating three-dimensional holograms of the surrounding environment using Wi-Fi signals.
â–² holographic projection
This means that Wi-Fi at home may become a more secret voyeur, and the hacker's camera peeks, after all, Wi-Fi holography means 360 degrees without a blind point of God. Once upon a time, Facebook founder Zuckerberg used the "soil method" of physical isolation to protect against hacking.
▲In order to protect against the hacker’s small smashing, I put a “shame†tape on the camera and microphone.
However once Wi-Fi holography is implemented
â–² Minutes to experience the simple philosophy of “outside the Qingshan Building outside the mountain, strong self-owned strong handâ€
According to Lei Feng's editors, the use of Wi-Fi signals for similar "positioning" has never stopped. As early as a few years ago, there was a similar technology. In 2013, researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology developed a technology that uses Wi-Fi signals to observe human motion across the wall. Not only that, but the technology can also create “contour fingerprints†for everyone, breaking through the wall resolution. Technical problems of specific characters.
â–²The so-called contour fingerprint is equivalent to giving a person the ID ID of the perspective world according to the perspective difference. Each person's outline fingerprint is slightly different.
The team uses a device called RF Capture to send wireless signals that reflect back when the wireless radiation hits the wall and encounters the human body. RF Capture analyzes the received information and draws different contour fingerprints, much like The principle of radar and sonar imaging. According to the team, the amount of radiation emitted is quite small, about one-tenth of the amount of radiation from mobile phones.
However, research at the Technical University of Munich has advanced the process of such research in more depth. What is the effect of generating a hologram with a Wi-Fi signal?
â–² hologram of the cross
â–²Using Wi-Fi holography to present holograms of warehouses
Inspiration can sometimes be just a product of thinking about a problem from another angle. Friedemann Reinhard, a researcher at the Technical University of Munich, said the idea was a flash of light at lunchtime. He just wanted to know what the world would look like from a Wi-Fi signal perspective. So Wi-Fi holography was born. After all, the most tidy and sometimes silent is not the spring rain, but the Wi-Fi signal.
In this era of no Wi-Fi and no sense of uneasiness, the infiltration of Wi-Fi is more reliable than the spring rain. The Wi-Fi signal from the router can be used to generate a hologram of the surrounding environment.
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