Tencent Digital (Yi Jing) plops, the phone fell into the tomato sauce, either in the pool or in the toilet. In many cases, you have been bad luck, the phone is broken. If you are very lucky, the phone may still be able to continue to use.
As a Samsung Galaxy S7 user, I can responsibly say: Its waterproof performance is very good. Of course, I didn't go for a swim with my cell phone or do something similar. But in the following situations, I can use S7 without any pressure.
It rains on the sky, and the mail is written on the ground. If it is not finished yet, please continue. There is no need to terminate it.
If you are bathing, the god of inspiration suddenly patronizes your head and wants to write something, there is no need to dry your body to write.
The glass screen appeared stained and rinsed directly with water.
Sometimes I put the phone in the hot tub and let my friends see it.
Great! What is it that makes the phone waterproof? Or how exactly are these phones waterproof? Maybe you want to know what are the advantages and disadvantages of the new iPhone, or if you want to know if you put the phone in the water will not be damaged, we try to answer this question.
Why waterproof?
Scott Havard was a dismantling engineer at iFixit. To make it easier to understand, he asked us to draw an egg. The eggshell was intact and there were no gaps in the water. If you change eggs to Easter colored eggs, it will be difficult to waterproof. Harvard said: "If it is an Easter egg, it can be divided into two. It will suddenly become difficult to waterproof." Because there are gaps, the water will easily cross. He also said: "When the pressure is high enough, the water will enter the electronic equipment."
Var related_video_info = { vid: 'h0330lwelpd', cid: '', url: 'http://v.qq.com/page/h/p/d/h0330lwelpd.html', pic: 'http://vpic. Video.qq.com/74280102/h0330lwelpd_ori_1.jpg', title: 'Isn't it waterproof? What happens when the iPhone 7 is soaked in liquid nitrogen? 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There are many gaps in the mobile phone, interfaces, buttons, speakers, grids, microphone interfaces, all will leave a small gap, the water will enter the phone through the gap. There is a big gap between the screen and the phone frame.
Harvard said that the glass screen is very brittle, and there is a great challenge to be waterproof. Manufacturers have no way to combine the glass screen with the frame forever.
How can we waterproof it? Manufacturers are smart, they chose a relatively simple technique: waterproofing with adhesives.
Sometimes we call adhesives as gaskets, seals, and tapes. The name is different, but the meaning is the same. With a highly viscous rubber glue, manufacturers can create a space that is sealed.
When dismantling a waterproof mobile phone, we will find that there are many sticky materials inside the mobile phone, and it is the sticky material that sticks the screen to the frame. There is a USB, Lighting, 3.5mm headphone jack on the phone, adhesive on the back of the connector, and adhesive on the circuit board near the frame.
In some cases, adhesives do not solve the problem. For example, some components of a mobile phone are protruding, such as buttons, interfaces, removable components, and users certainly do not want to see the adhesive flow out of the gap.
How to do? The manufacturer installs a rubber washer - a 0-ring ring that is tightly attached to the inner surface of the phone.
On the button, the manufacturer applies a small amount of silicone rubber, isolating the pressed button from the internal electrical contacts. When we walk in the rain, we may put a plastic bag on the outside to prevent the rain from wetting the shoes. The principle of the phone is similar to this, we eject the SIM card tray with a small button.
Waterproof, but not airproof
In mobile phones, after all, some components cannot be completely sealed.
Such as speakers and microphones, it needs to keep the air flowing, and the air can't sound without vibration. If there is no air into the phone, the internal and external pressures will be out of balance, and the pressure difference will squeeze a gap, causing water to pour into the phone.
Seems to be drug-free, how does the manufacturer do it? Use science. In the manufacture of waterproof mobile phones, manufacturers will install mesh outside the speakers, microphone, this mesh is very very precise, it follows the natural characteristics of water, such as cohesion, surface tension, water will not pass through the mesh, but stick together.
The iPhone 7 has a speaker grille on the bottom left side, and the Galaxy S7 microphone also has a grid on the outside. They use the same technology.
In addition to the mesh, there is an ePTFE membrane on the outside, and air can pass through the membrane to balance the internal and external pressure. Sometimes, in order to prevent the short circuit of the charging interface, the mobile phone will temporarily close the interface, for example, the Samsung mobile phone is doing so. In addition, the manufacturer also uses the corrosion-resistant material to protect the mobile phone against wear, such as nickel.
As a result, modern mobile phones can be waterproof even without a waterproof cover.
Imperfect technology
No waterproof technology is perfect. Although companies claim that mobile phones are waterproof, in a strict sense, they are not really waterproof mobile phones.
Harvard explained: "As long as the pressure is high enough, the water will go in, but the pressure will be different from each other."
It may be for this reason that the company did not tell the user that the phone was “water-resistant†and “waterproof†when it was advertised.
If there is a chemical in the water, the situation will change, for example, add some salt in the water.
I think Sony had advertised in the advertisement that the Xperia phone can shoot underwater. In 2015, Australian regulators and consumers claimed that the phone was damaged after swimming. Sony may have overlooked one point: In Australia, the water in the home swimming pool is salty, and it is corrosive and can invade mobile phones. Sony quickly changed its tone, reminding users to stay away from salty water and not use the phone in the water.
Sony declared: “If you want to use the equipment underwater, watch diving at close range, or take a picture when your child first takes a swimming class.†However, when using the swimming pool, it should be fresh water, not salt water. If the waterproof level reaches IPX8, there is no problem to get underwater, just use fresh water to clean the chlorine after use.
Apple warned that although the iPhone is waterproof, there are still things that it cannot do.
Therefore, when we hear corporate propaganda that its mobile phone can be waterproof, its true meaning is that the mobile phone can be waterproofed in a certain amount of water for a period of time.
How long is it? Depends on how much the IP rating is.
What is IPXX
When testing, watch how long the phone can survive in several environments. This is the IP rating. In simple terms, there are three situations:
- If it is a freshwater droplet, how long can your mobile phone last?
- If it is a freshwater jet (jet), how long can the mobile phone last?
- If you put it in a few feet of water, how long does the phone last? For example, 30 minutes.
Even if the mobile phone reaches a certain level, it can only indicate that the manufacturer can meet the standard in the laboratory. In the real environment, falling into water, or other liquids, the final result may be very different.
Although it has reached a certain level of protection, it is not a matter of peace of mind. If the results of the wear and tear of the mobile phone may be very different. In addition, when we remove the phone from the liquid, it is not always ready for use. According to Apple's recommendation, it is best to charge and use it 5 hours after drying.
Warranty issue
Although the company vowed to say that their mobile phone can be waterproof, but want to warranty but no way. Apple, Sony, and Samsung all said that if the mobile phone is not water warranty.
If the water enters, the mobile phone is damaged because the company's waterproof technology is flawed. What will happen? The manufacturer may still be liable. For example, the Galaxy S7 Active is waterproof, but it has flaws. Samsung promises that Samsung can replace it if the phone fails to purchase for less than one year because of water damage.
A Samsung representative told us that if the phone is damaged due to water ingress, the customer asked Samsung to investigate. Sony said that in the promotion of IP levels will limit some of the use of the environment, if it does not exceed the requirements, less than a year to buy a mobile phone, cell phone because of water damage, Sony can be replaced.
Don't be too serious, say so, but it is not expressly provided. Once the phone is actually flooded, the company may push the responsibility onto the user. Also, Apple has not made any commitment so far.
Maybe, I really shouldn't put the Galaxy S7 in the bathtub!
Source: cnet
.wxdigi { padding:20px 0; border-top: 1px dotted DBDBDB; } .wxdigi dt { display:inline; float:center; margin-right:17px; } .wxdigi dd strong { display:inline-block; padding-top :0px; color:414141; font-size:14px; } .wxdigi dd { font-size:14px; color:606060; }
The story of Ethernet began in the ALOHA period. The exact time was after a student named Bob Metcalfe received a bachelor's degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and moved to Harvard University across the river to pursue a PhD. During his studies, he came into contact with Abramson's work, and he was very interested in it. After graduating from Harvard, he decided to stay in Hawaii for vacation before going to Xerox Palo Alto Research Center to work in order to help Abramson work. When he arrived at the Palo Alto Research Center, he saw that researchers there had designed and built machines that would later be called personal computers, but these machines were solitary; he used the knowledge he gained to help Abramson work with his colleague David Boggs designed and implemented the first local area network. The local area network uses a long thick coaxial cable and runs at a rate of 3Mbps.
They named this system Ethernet, and people once thought that electromagnetic radiation could be transmitted through it.
Shared medium
The Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA/CD) technology with collision detection specifies a method for multiple computers to share a channel. This technology first appeared in the ALOHAnet developed by the University of Hawaii in the 1960s, which uses radio waves as a carrier. This method is simpler than token ring network or main control network. When a computer wants to send information, it switches between the following actions and states:
Start-If the line is idle, start the transmission, otherwise skip to step 4.
Send-If a conflict is detected, continue to send data until the min echo receive interval is reached to ensure that all other transponders and terminals detect the conflict, and then skip to step 4.
Successful transmission-report to the higher-level network protocol that the transmission was successful, and exit the transmission mode.
Line is busy-keep waiting until the line is free.
Line is idle-before reaching the maximum number of attempts, go to step 1 to try again at random intervals.
Exceeded the maximum number of transmission attempts-report the transmission failure to the higher layer network protocol, and exit the transmission mode.
Because all communication signals are transmitted on the shared line, even if the information is only sent to one of the terminals (destination), it will be sent to all computers on the line in the form of broadcast. Under normal circumstances, the network interface card will filter out the information that is not sent to itself, and will send an interrupt request to the CPU when it receives the information whose destination address is its own, unless the network card is in Promiscuous mode. This "one talk, everyone listen" characteristic is the security weakness of the shared medium Ethernet, because a node on the Ethernet can choose whether to listen to all the information transmitted on the line. Sharing cables also means sharing bandwidth, so in some cases the speed of Ethernet may be very slow, such as after a power failure, when all network terminals are restarted.
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