As early as many years ago, many R&D institutions and enterprises have engaged in the research and development and production of intelligent control of lighting fixtures, but the results have been minimal, and the results of their promotion and use are not satisfactory. The author believes that the reasons why the smart home control system can not be accepted by the market are as follows: 1. The cost is high and the market is difficult to accept; 2. The overall intelligent control system basically needs to adopt low-voltage integrated wiring, which is difficult to construct; 3, in the process of use, the operation is complex, can not be convenient, simple and fast; 4, because the line system is concealed, the failure rate is high, the maintenance is difficult, the after-sales service is difficult to implement; 5, with the current wall switch The contrast of the mainstream control mode is large, and the habits of consumers are not easy to change. Of course, the overall smart home control system is far more than these problems, but as long as the above five aspects exist, the overall smart home can still not enter the ordinary family.
Recently, the "Wi-Fi" remote control "smart lamps" that have quietly emerged from the market reaction, the sales situation is not bad, which shows that people's concept of smart lamps is more and more clear, consumers have begun to enter from the wait-and-see stage. It has reached the stage of substantial consumption. But will "Wi-Fi" remote control luminaires become the mainstream control mode for future luminaires? Will it replace traditional mechanical wall switches to achieve intelligent control of lamps? I read an article about this, and a detailed analysis makes sense. The article believes that the use of wireless routers to build smart home systems is not reliable, Wi-Fi as a wireless network communication protocol dominates the world, more and more so-called Wi-Fi single product smart devices come out, many people think that wireless routers are smart home The core is logical. In this regard, the author does not agree, his reasons are: 1, wireless routers are network devices, do not have the "smart" conditions and capabilities; 2, wireless routers are not designed and manufactured in accordance with industrial equipment, does not support the year-round uninterrupted operation; 3, the wireless router as a network device security level is too low, can not effectively protect personal privacy; 4, the wireless router frequency is 2.4G, the wavelength is too short, the diffraction ability is poor, not suitable for the transmission of control information in the reinforced concrete frame structure building; 5, home wireless router with terminal capacity is poor, does not support dozens of hundreds of terminals work at the same time; 6, wireless router does not support terminal classification management, everyone is just a Wi-Fi terminal, causing trouble to system management; The Wi-Fi module of the wireless router is not low enough to meet the communication technical requirements of the wireless single-fire switch. 8. The Wi-Fi network communication protocol of the wireless router is a public communication protocol, and the home is not a public place, and the smart home is not open. System; 9, Wi-Fi communication protocol sacrifices timeliness to ensure data reliability, which is for real-time control
Since the overall smart home is difficult to effectively and intelligently control the lighting; the "smart lighting" of the "Wi-Fi" remote control cannot be used continuously for a long time. So, how can we truly achieve intelligent control of lamps? We must study the intelligent control of lamps, we must start from the current control of lamps. For the control of the luminaire, since Edison invented the light bulb, the control of the electric light is controlled by mechanical manual control. From the pull switch to the push button switch, to the wall switch commonly used now, the switch drive is manual. Mechanical mode, so if we want to achieve the control of intelligent lighting in the future, we must start with the research switch. For more than 100 years, people have been accustomed to manual control of electric lights. In the research and development of switches, they are all carried out under the framework of manual mechanical switches, focusing only on the form, material, structure and style of the switch. There has been no substantial progress in the direction of technology development. This has made lighting products have been in the most primitive stage of primary control since the invention of the light bulb. The control of future lamps will definitely develop in the direction of intelligence. But how to break through this research and development bottleneck? In the case that the overall control technology of the luminaire is backward, do we consider borrowing the control mode of the home appliance? If we can upgrade the control technology of the luminaire to the level equivalent to the home appliance control technology, in the future, when we realize the overall home intelligent control, the lamps and home appliances can be intelligently controlled on the same platform. Through the control technology of home appliances, we provide a new R&D idea and feasibility plan for the development direction of lamp control technology.
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