Underarm odor is a product of moldy bacteria. Ozone has the functions of sterilization, deodorization and mildew prevention, and it has a certain effect on the treatment of underarm odor. In this circuit, IC1 (M5232) constitutes a voltage detection and battery under-voltage automatic shutdown circuit. F3 and F4 constitute a 12kHz oscillator, which is modulated by a low-frequency oscillator composed of F1 and F2. Adjusting RP can make the work pause time continuous from 0 to 20s Adjustable. When the battery voltage is greater than 4.2V, the LED lights up, pin 6 of M5232 outputs a low level, the oscillation circuit starts to work, and the ozone generation circuit is driven by V2 and V3. When the battery voltage is less than 4.2V, pin 6 of M5232 outputs a high level, the oscillator stops vibration and closes the ozone generating circuit, and the indicator light flashes to remind the replacement of the battery. The circuit of the underarm odor treatment instrument is shown in the figure:

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