LESO, an energy-saving pioneer in the field of LED lighting, recently announced the launch of LED series bulbs with LPR thermostatic control technology. Long-life white LED bulbs have the advantages of high light efficiency, low light decay, high energy saving, and low cost, further accelerating the process of replacing indoor incandescent lamps with LED indoor lighting.
Lei Shuo Lighting's LED series of bulbs use LPR constant temperature control technology to quickly and efficiently control the junction temperature of the LED to ensure that the junction temperature of the PN junction is not higher than 60 ° C, thereby minimizing the high temperature The resulting light decay ultimately solves the critical problem of limiting LED life. The new product has passed the inspection of relevant national departments and has a lifespan of more than 50,000 hours. It is actually the first choice to replace the home bulb.
Lei Shuo Lighting's patented product of LPR technology --- LED series bulb lamp
This series of LED bulbs use the latest LPR patented technology to directly design the LED drive, control and execution unit as a module of the system circuit, which greatly simplifies the production process of LED bulbs, improves the degree of automation and saves labor costs.
The patented technology of LPR constant temperature control independently developed by Lei Shuo Lighting eliminates the external switching power supply drive circuit, and takes the LED drive, control and execution unit directly as part of the system work, especially when the working voltage and current of the LED light source module When the junction temperature is under normal conditions, the module is in an intermittent working state, and the power consumption is extremely low, which fully guarantees the reliability and long life of the overall lamp operation.
This series of new LPR patented LED bulb lamps are available in 4W, 5W, 10W, 12W, and 20W. They can generate warm or white light, have a power factor higher than 0.87, and have a light efficiency of 98.1 lm / W.
Wang Shuguang, general manager of the LPR project department of Lei Shuo Lighting, said: "Under the huge development opportunities and opportunities for LED lighting products to enter thousands of households, the LPR patented series of bulb lights developed by Lei Shuo Lighting are committed to relying on its truly long life. , Low cost, high efficiency, low light attenuation and other advantages, will definitely become the first choice for thousands of households to replace incandescent lamps.
A Dc Motor is any of a class of rotary electrical machines that converts direct current electrical energy into mechanical energy. The most common types rely on the forces produced by magnetic fields. Nearly all types of DC motors have some internal mechanism, either electromechanical or electronic, to periodically change the direction of current flow in part of the motor.
DC motors were the first type widely used, since they could be powered from existing direct-current lighting power distribution systems. A DC motor's speed can be controlled over a wide range, using either a variable supply voltage or by changing the strength of current in its field windings. Small DC motors are used in tools, toys, and appliances. The universal motor can operate on direct current but is a lightweight motor used for portable power tools and appliances. Larger DC motors are used in propulsion of electric vehicles, elevator and hoists, or in drives for steel rolling mills.
Dc motor areas of application: smart home field, robotics, precision medical equipment industry, automotive drive field, electronic products and personal care equipment
Application of the product:
Features: high torque, low noise, small volume, light weight, easy to use, running constant speed, etc., can also be matched with various gearboxes to change the output speed and torque.
Features: small volume, fast speed, stable performance, low price, good speed regulation.

Method of use: the best stable in horizontal plane, installed on the dc motor output shaft parts, cannot use a hammer to knock, knock prone to press into the dc motor drive, may cause damage to internal components, and cannot be used in the case of blocked.
Operating temperature range:
DC motor should be used at a temperature of -10~60℃.
The figures stated in the catalog specifications are based on use at ordinary room temperature catalog specifications re based on use at ordinary room temperature (approximately20~25℃.
If a geared motor is used outside the prescribed temperature range,the grease on the gearhead area will become unable to function normally and the motor will become unable to start.Depending on the temperature conditions ,it may be possible to deal with them by changing the grease of the motor's parts.Please feel free to consult with us about this.
Storage temperature range:
DC motor should be stored ta a temperature of -15~65℃.
In case of storage outside this range,the grease on the gearhead area will become unable to function normally and the motor will become unable to start.
Service life:
The longevity of DC motor is greatly affected by the load conditions , the mode of operation,the environment of use ,etc.Therefore,it is necessary to check the conditions under which the product will actually be used .The following conditions will have a negative effect on longevity.Please consult with us should any of them apply.â—Use with a load that exceeds the rated torque
â—Frequent starting
â—Momentary reversals of turning direction
â—Impact loads
â—Long-term continuous operation
â—Forced turning using the output shaft
â—Use in which the permitted overhang load or the permitted thrust load is exceeded
â—A pulse drive ,e.g.,a short break,counter electromotive force,PWM control
â—Use of a voltage that is nonstandard as regards the rated voltage
â—Use outside the prescribed temperature or relative-humidity range,or in a special environment.
â—Please consult with us about these or any other conditions of use that may apply,so that we can be sure that you select the most appropriate model.
when it come to volume production,we're a major player as well .each month,we rurn out 600000 units,all of which are compliant with the rohs directive.Have any questions or special needed, please contact us, we have the engineer group and best sales department to service to you Looking forward to your inquiry. Welcome to our factory.
Dc Motor
Dc Motor,Small Dc Motor,Mini Dc Motor,Robot Dc Motor,Dc Motor With Gearbox
Shenzhen Shunchang Motor Co., LTD. , https://www.scgearmotor.com