The price of LED chips has dropped more than expected. Huacan Optoelectronics estimates that the net profit in 2012 will drop by about 30%.

Huacan Optoelectronics released the 2012 performance forecast. The company estimates that the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies will be approximately RMB 84 million to RMB 90 million, which will be reduced by approximately 27.8%-32.6% over the same period of the previous year of RMB 124,651,500.

Huacan Optoelectronics said that since 2012, due to the continuous market competition, the sales price of LED chips has decreased more than expected, which is a significant decline compared with last year. As a result, although the sales volume of chips exceeded last year, the net profit was lower than that of the same period last year. Level. The impact of non-recurring gains and losses on the company's net profit for the 12 years is approximately RMB 57.35 million.

The company stated that the specific data for the 2012 annual results will be disclosed in detail in the company's 2012 annual report.

At the end of the 1940s, the first semiconductor triode was born in the world. With its characteristics of small size, light weight, power saving, and long life, it was quickly used by various countries and replaced electronic tubes in a large range. In the late 1950s, the first integrated circuit appeared in the world. It integrated many electronic components such as transistors on a silicon chip, making electronic products smaller. Integrated circuits have rapidly developed from small-scale integrated circuits to large-scale integrated circuits and ultra-large-scale integrated circuits, thereby enabling electronic products to develop in the direction of high efficiency, low consumption, high accuracy, high stability, and intelligence.

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