Smart home industry survey data: China's market capacity fourth

Dallas, USA According to the survey data of staTIsta smart home industry in the United States, the US smart home market capacity in 2016 was $9.712 billion, making it the largest country in the global smart home market.

The United States has become the largest country in the global smart home market with $9.7 billion

Smart home industry survey data: China's market capacity fourth

The top five countries in the global smart home market are: the United States, Japan, Germany, China, and the United Kingdom. Among them, the US smart home market has a capacity of US$9.7125 billion, Japan has US$1,128.9 million, Germany has US$925.6 million, China has US$520 million, and the United Kingdom has US$477.5 million.

Smart home industry survey data: China's market capacity fourth

In addition, from the growth of smart home penetration rate, the United States ranked first with 5.8%. The other four countries are: Japan, Sweden, Germany, Norway, of which 1.3% in Japan, 1.3% in Sweden, 1.2% in Germany, and 1.2% in Norway.

1. From 2014 to 2016: an average annual growth of nearly 3 billion US dollars

In the past three years, the market capacity of smart homes in the United States has been growing, from $3.404 billion in 2014 to $6.022 billion in 2015 to $9.712 billion in 2016, an average annual increase of nearly $3 billion.

Smart home industry survey data: China's market capacity fourth

There are five main areas in the US smart home segment: home automation, home security, home entertainment, environmental assistance, and living energy management. Among them, home automation, home security and home entertainment have the largest market capacity. In 2014, for example, home automation was $769.9 million, family safety was $836.8 million, home entertainment was $13.321 billion, and environmental assistance was $0.829 billion. Management is $382.6 million.

2. The year-on-year growth of 76.9% in 2015 is expected to increase by 61.3% in 2016.

According to the smart home market capacity technology in 2014 and 2015, it increased by 76.9% in 2015 compared with the same period in 2014. It is expected to increase by 61.3% in 2016 compared with the same period in 2015.

Smart home industry survey data: China's market capacity fourth

The growth in the five segments in 2015 was as follows: household automation was 147.3%, home security system was 61.2%, home entertainment was 50.9%, environmental assistance was 92.2%, and living energy management was 56.6%.

3. Calculated according to the compound annual growth rate of 21.05%, which will reach 20.856 billion US dollars in 2020.

According to the average annual compound growth rate of 21.05%, the US smart home market capacity will reach 20.856 billion US dollars by 2020. Among them, home automation was US$7.984 billion, household safety was US$4.4507 billion, home entertainment was US$5.4492 billion, environmental assistance was US$1.179 billion, and life energy management was US$1.7936 billion.

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