Since 2016, when a large number of consumer VR devices have entered the market, some friends have asked me whether it is necessary to purchase a computer or purchase a VR to spend a lot of money. A year ago, if you wanted to get a better PC experience, then I would say: Yes! However, after two years of development, users have had more choices. The Windows MR head-up recommended today is one of them! An important advantage of Windows MR is the lower threshold of experience. If it is a primary virtual reality experience, you only need to find a laptop, you don't even need to display it! And in the Microsoft App Store, you can also download a detection application ("Windows Mixed Reality PC Check") to determine if your computer meets Windows MR performance requirements! And, thanks to the inside-out position tracking, you only need to use a USB and HDMI connector to display your computer. After a few minutes of familiarity, you can enter the virtual world! How is it? If you are interested, take a look at the following products!