Illumination standard value of architectural lighting for theaters (excerpted from GBJ 133-90) Category reference plane and its high illumination standard value (Lx) Low, medium and high foyer 0.75m horizontal plane 100 150 200 Foyer aisle 0.75m horizontal plane 75 100 150 Auditorium cinema 0.75m horizontal plane 30 50 75 Theater 0.75m horizontal plane 50 75 100 spectator lounge cinema 0.75m horizontal plane 50 75 100 theater 0.75m horizontal plane 75 100 150 VIP seats, clothing room, props 0.75m horizontal plane 75 100 150 dressing room general area 0.75m horizontal plane 75 100 150 dressing table 1.1m high vertical plane 150 200 300 screening room general area 0.75m horizontal plane 75 100 150 screening 0.75m horizontal plane 20 30 50 actor lounge 0.75m horizontal plane 50 75 100 rehearsal hall 0.75m horizontal plane 100 150 200 raw, light, Electric control room console surface 100 150 200 Art room, painted room 0.75m horizontal surface 150 200 300 Ticket office ticketing countertop 100 150 200
Night Vision Hunting Camera is the ability to see in low light conditions. Whether by biological or technological means, Night Vision Hunting Camera is made possible by a combination of two approaches: sufficient spectral range, and sufficient intensity range. Humans have poor night vision compared to many animals, in part because the human eye lacks a tapetum lucidum.
Night Vision Hunting Camera have equipped with invisible IR lights. When animal closing or heat change near within a range at nigh or low light.
IR light will automatically work to make the camera could capture photos.
A good Night Vision Hunting camera can help you detective very clear wildlife animal pictures even at night.
Night Vision Hunting Camera
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