How to Install Third-Party Application Tutorial for TCL UD55H18 TV

TCL UD55H18 TV how to install third-party application tutorial, TCL UD55H18 TV how to install APK software, TCL UD55H18 TV how to install the sofa butler, TCL UD55H18 TV how to install the sofa butler TV application market, a key download and install on-demand software such as APk?
The TCL UD55H18 TV installs a sofa housekeeper with a one-click installation tool . This tutorial is for similar models such as the TCL UD55H18 TV.

Tip: After the TCL TV system is upgraded or restarted, there may be problems with the application of the sofa home, but it cannot be installed. It can also be solved in accordance with the tutorial.

Installation procedure introduction
1 Download TV Universal Installer to PC → 2 Open TV Record IP Address → 3 Enter IP of TV in Installer → 4 Complete Installation
Operation method details

1, download the installer

Download link: TV application universal installer

Note: Windows XP system must first install net.3.5,

NET.3.5 Download Address: Download Now

When running the installer, if you have anti-virus software on your computer that is risky, please quit or allow the installation first, because you know.

When the win8 system installation tool runs, it needs to click " Allow running ":

2, TCL TV, enter the settings interface, find the network settings;

3, using a wireless connection (WIFI) as an example, view the IP address: In the network settings, find the connection on the SSID signal name, press OK;

4. Record the displayed IP address.

5. Decompress the "TV Application Universal Installer v1.1.1" file package on the computer and double-click to execute it;

6, run "TV application universal installer v1.1.1", enter the recorded TV IP in the address box, according to start the installation;

7, "TV Universal App Installer v1.1.1" will automatically connect and install the sofa butler to your TV, please wait a few minutes, as shown below, for the installation is successful;

After the completion of the sofa butler, you can quickly install a variety of video, music, game applications, sofa butler → TV must have many common applications, such as live broadcast can use HDP on demand pudding video.

If the installation fails, restart the box/TV and try again by following the steps.

If this tutorial helps to solve the problem, press Ctrl+D to bookmark this page for your next review. More related tutorials are at http://.

For other questions related to the use process please contact directly please add the sofa official QQ group: 109779295

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Smart TV box recommended to install sofa butler, download address:

Sofa Net is an Internet technology company specializing in smart TVs and boxes. It owns popular products such as sofa butlers, sofa tables, and sofa forums. It has been committed to providing high quality application resources for smart TV and TV box users and active community exchanges. And authoritative evaluation of smart TV products.

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