Dot matrix infrared lamps and traditional LEDs are mainly distinguished from the following points:
1. Brightness: The optical output of a single traditional LED is generally about 5-15mW. Although LEDs with 40-50mW or more power are available today, they still cannot compare with single dot matrix LEDs, and because of thermal power. The basic design of the separation makes it difficult to dissipate heat. The optical output of the largest dot matrix infrared lamp can reach more than 2000mW or even higher. That is to say, the sum of the brightness of one or two hundred conventional LEDs is equal to the brightness of a dot matrix infrared lamp. Therefore, the small part volume can see the object at a long distance.
2. Volume: Since the dot matrix infrared lamp is a highly integrated LED, the volume is much smaller than the sum of LEDs of the same brightness.
3, illuminating angle: traditional LED limited and design and even poor heat treatment, in order to mobilize heat, single illuminating can not be too large, the irradiation distance is limited, so more to make a small angle, concentrate energy to shine farther The illuminating angle is generally 8°-30°, so a beam like a flashlight is formed. The central image is too bright and white and the surrounding is too dark to be clear. The original angle of the illuminator of the dot matrix LED is about 150°, and the angle can be changed by optical means with great flexibility. The entire space can be uniformly illuminated indoors, while other LEDs cannot be used, and the use of ultra-long-distance outdoor products is much smaller than conventional LED products .
4, long life: due to the heat dissipation of the dot matrix infrared lamp is easy to handle and the production materials are different, its life is about five to ten times the life of the traditional LED. In the first two years, the human eye can hardly see the illuminance decay.
5, the quality level of dot matrix infrared lamps is generally military grade, higher than the industrial grade, of course, higher than the general use of commercial grade LED. Simply put, it will not be bad under normal use.
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