Leadis Technology unveils LED controller for high-power lightings with "in-situ" temperature compensation

USA - Leadis Technology ( http:// ) announce sample availability of the LDS9001 and LDS9003, two new LED controllers featuring Leadis patent pending LED-Sense Temperature Compensation engine.

This innovative feature allows for direct in-situ monitoring of the LED junction temperature without the need for an external temperature sensor, such optimizing LED brightness and reliability throughout the LEDs full operating temperature range. Targeted at high-power lighting applications, the LDS9001 and 9003 Can independently monitor one and three LEDs, respectively.

The LDS9001 and 9003 provide a new, straightforward way to address thermal reliability constraints in high-power LED lighting applications. Utilizing LED-Sense, these LED controllers provide real-time monitoring of the LEDs junction temperature. Every few seconds, the LED junction temperature Is measured in-situ and the current is adjusted on each LED channel using a programmable current versus temperature de-rating profile.

This optimizes luminosity while ensuring reliable LED operation. System designers are therefore able to reduce guardbands they typically employ, while safely biasing the LEDs at higher currents over the LEDs operating temperature range.

As the temperature of the system increases above a pre-set point, the LD9001/9003 intelligently reduces the LED drive current, such ensuring that the LEDs operate in a specified safe temperature zone. As a result, at typical operating temperatures, the LEDs can Be safely driven at higher currents resulting in greater luminance per LED.

This enables the system lighting designer to reduce the number of LEDs by 10 - 20% while achieving the same total luminance. Given the relatively high cost of high-power LEDs, the overall system costs can be significantly reduced.

The LED lighting market is starting to take off, with cost and reliability being Critical factors that require continued improvement. Our LDS9001 and 9003 provide a straightforward cost reduction path for system lighting designers. Beyond lighting, these products can also be used in high power automotive and signage applications.

About the LDS9001 /9003
The LDS9003 supports one and three temperature sensing and control channels, respectively. Both products can support WLED lighting, automotive, and signage applications. Since the LDS9003 supports multi-point thermal monitoring, it can also be used for multi-color LED applications , such as RGB.

Eight I2C-programmable registers let users define the temperature de-rating profile as a function of the specific LED Diode used in the design. A 12-bit PWM generator with smooth logarithmic control supports the high temperature LED current de-rating adjustments. User is programmable via an I2C serial interface. User programmed 8-bit codes are converted to 12-bit resolution logarithmic steps of ~ 0.17 dB per step.

The PWM frequency is ~280 Hz to minimize noise generation. Interfaces are provided to support high side high LED current drivers and low cost microcontrollers in order to enable LED lighting designers to quickly and efficiently implement their electronics solution. The LDS9001/9003 are offered in 3mm x 3mm 8-pin DFN and 16-pin TQFN packages, respectively.

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