After Beijing Green Times Company achieved industrial breakthroughs in key technologies of semiconductor lighting, it triggered the upgrading effect of LED system products. Recently, the company developed and manufactured 680W high-power lighting products.
The development and maturity of the semiconductor lighting industry depends on innovations and solutions for various key technologies. Thermal technology is one of them. Beijing Green Times Company solves the heat dissipation problem by using new materials and proprietary technology. The 120W street lamp developed by the company has been tested by the National Optical Power Quality Supervision and Inspection Center, and the 3000-hour light decay is zero.
The greater the power of semiconductor lighting, the higher the degree to which heat dissipation technology is tested and challenged. Beijing Green Times Company has produced 680W ultra-high power lighting, which further proves the performance and level of the company's patented technology using new materials and independent innovation. At the same time, it also triggered the product upgrade effect. The realization of this technology can not only improve the quality and service life of the products, but also reduce the cost and increase the variety of products, and expand the application range of LED lighting. With the advent of 680W super-high-powered lighting, it can realize more beautiful, brighter and simpler lighting solutions for lighting such as square lights, freight yard lights, high pole lights and searchlights.

Zhejiang Best Nail Industrial Co., Ltd. ,