The e-shekel could become a monetary tool in the hands of central banks

A working group under the Bank of Israel has released a report on whether a national digital currency should be issued. The group, which was established in November last year, said in its report that the technology has several potential advantages, but suggested that the central bank should not take immediate action and should wait for feedback from other institutions around the world.

The e-shekel could become a monetary tool in the hands of central banks

The Pros and Cons of National Cryptocurrencies

The 40-page document focuses on the advantages of issuing "electronic shekels" from the perspective of Israeli banks. One of the advantages is that if the usage of physical cash drops significantly in the future, national cryptocurrencies can improve the liquidity of the currency. And another advantage is that a national cryptocurrency can support the country’s payment system and make it more efficient. Furthermore, the team found that, "if favorable," the e-shekel could become a monetary tool in the hands of central banks.

The report also suggested that issuing electronic shekels could help combat the "shadow economy," meaning it would make it harder for people to conduct unreported financial transactions. By contrast, one of the few shortcomings identified by the report's authors was the fear that the public would see the move as nothing more than an attempt by "Big Brother" to continually spy on Israeli citizens.

Other issues the team found was that some people might not be able to learn to use digital tokens because of technical issues. They also said a technical glitch in the e-shekel could damage the central bank's reputation.

Awaiting feedback from major countries

Unlike Israel's dynamic, fast-growing, tech-focused private sector, the country's public institutions are extremely conservative and often reluctant to adopt new technologies. With this in mind, the wait-and-see attitude of Israeli banks towards digital currencies is not surprising, despite the many potential advantages of issuing digital currencies identified in the report.

"Central banks in advanced economies have yet to issue widely used digital currencies," the group concluded, acknowledging that many such institutions around the world have already looked into this possibility. This makes it clear that Israeli central bank officials will not take a step forward until another leading institution such as the US Federal Reserve or the European Central Bank issues a token first.

That possibility is not entirely zero, though, as the group will also continue to monitor developments in the field, "especially the movements of other central banks." They plan to report their findings on the matter to Bank of Israel management semi-annually. The group also recommended discussing the issue with international agencies such as the Bank for International Settlements, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and the International Monetary Fund.

Office Projector

Screen Resolution
There are generally three screen resolutions for office projectors:
One is a 4:3 screen suitable for office PPT playback. The first is the SVGA machine with the lowest price and the highest cost performance. This kind of machine is generally priced at around 2500 and has powerful performance. The disadvantage is that the resolution is 800X600, which is relatively low. The second is the XGA machine, which is an upgraded version of the SVGA machine with a resolution of 1024X768.
The other is the 16:10 aspect ratio screen used by some foreign-funded enterprises, which is the 1280X800 resolution of WXGA. However, with the transparent price of 1080p projectors, more and more companies will choose full HD 1080p projectors as their office projection solutions.
Office Projector Features
According to the needs of different office environments, office projectors are roughly divided into three categories.
One is a conventional projector that is placed or hoisted in the conference room, the second is a Portable Projector that can be carried around, and the third is an ultra-short-throw projector that is convenient for work reports and speeches.
Wireless Office Projector
With the advent of the Internet era, the emergence of a series of wireless office series has added new members to the office projectors. The wireless office projector is realized by the built-in wireless module of the ordinary office projector. Wireless office makes people do not need to switch signal lines frequently in office meetings, allowing people to have a better experience in meetings!

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