The previous section mainly introduced the core artifacts of the design data synchronization among team members---the engineering change list ECO. With ECO you can guarantee the design data uniformity between two different design files. It is the core of the accurate transfer of design data among team members. The following describes three kinds of synchronous data synchronization gadgets, which can be conveniently and effectively used in design and use to accurately synchronize design data in real time.
Real-time accurate design data synchronization tool
Design data real-time synchronization tool --- Place PCB rule in SCH
Design rules are also like classes and can be applied as parameters in schematics. In each object that can add parameters, such as component or network, a design rule PCB Rule can be added in the SCH. This feature makes it easy for the schematic electronics designer to express their intentions to the PCB designer accurately. By adding the special requirements of PCB layout and routing to the corresponding places of the SCH in the form of design rules, when the schematic is updated to the PCB, these design rules will also be accurately synchronized to the PCB Design Rule. As shown below. Add a parameter to the line width of a network in the schematic SCH, and select this parameter as Design Rule. After updating to the PCB, the set line width parameters are synchronized to the PCB Rules page.
     In the picture below, you will notice that the parameter set Parameter Set placed on the SCH is displayed as a differential pair instruction. The differential pair instruction is also a parameter set object. When AlTium Designer sees a Parameter Set object with this instruction, it is recognized as a differential pair and displayed as a differential pair symbol. For the differential pair instructions placed on the SCH, a PCB Rule may also be defined for it. Then when the schematic SCH update data is synchronized to the PCB file, the defined differential pair network and the design rule corresponding to the differential pair Design Rule will be synchronously updated to the PCB design file. Make sure the design data is consistent on both sides. Design intent to deliver smoothly.
Real-time synchronization tool for design data---Cross SelecTIon
Cross-probing As the name implies, when an object is selected in a design interface, it can be displayed on the same design object in another design interface. There are many places in AlTIum Designer that can cross-probe. E.g:
Click on the components on the PCB to display the same components on the schematic. vice versa.
This command supports cross-probing between components, buses, networks, and pins/pads.
You can also jump from the source document to the target document by holding down the Ctrl key.
After you compile the schematic project, you can right-click and select Cross Probe (or double-click) on the error message in the Messages panel to jump to this error state on the schematic.
    Cross-selection is similar to cross-probing, and you can use it in another design interface to select components that you can currently see. Cross selection offers the ability to select multiple components. It can switch in both directions between the schematic and the PCB and is the ideal tool for selecting a set of objects and then designing them. For example, you might look for related components of the same circuit block on the schematic and would like to find them in the workspace of the PCB editor so that you can place them in a specific area of ​​the board for a reasonable layout. This cross selection function perfectly solves this! Once cross-selection mode is enabled, a component is selected in an editor and it is automatically selected in another editor.
Real-time synchronization tool for design data---Network color tracking Net Color
Through the network color synchronization between schematic design and PCB layout, document accuracy and visual color intuitiveness are ensured. AlTIum Designer's new version of the feature - network highlight color options, makes it easy for users to easily review the audit schematic and PCB design.
In the original version function, the colors of the network and the traces of each layer are certain. For example, the top layer is red, the bottom layer is blue, and each layer in the middle layer has a different color belonging to the layer to display the network of the layer. Users in the new version can now define different colors for the network of interest in the schematic design, and then can easily find the network and quickly distinguish it when checking the connectivity of the network. After the schematic data is then synchronized to the PCB, these network highlighting messages are synchronously presented in the PCB file.
As shown in the figure below, users can use this feature to highlight multiple networks and distinguish different networks with different colors.
      As shown in the figure above, when the schematic defines the colors for each network, when the schematic data is synchronously transmitted to the PCB, these highlight color information is also included in the ECO list, and vice versa.
Techniques for designing data synchronization between teams
ECO engineering change list ensures two-way synchronization of design data;
Place PCB design rules on SCH schematics and exchange information with PCB engineers;
Cross-probing, cross-selection to track search data in different design areas;
PCB layout according to the cross selection function;
Network color synchronization display, intuitive display of schematics and PCB in the network
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