Analysis of Zichain, a blockchain digital financial solution

Bitcoin’s popularity has grown exponentially since 2009 and reached its highest point anywhere in the world in 2017. The topic of blockchain and cryptocurrencies has become one of the most talked about, far beyond the closed ecology of the IT world. Although cryptocurrencies have attracted high government attention, only a tiny minority (0.5% of the world's population) utilize blockchain technology. The main limiting factor in the popularity of cryptocurrencies is the complex infrastructure, which is inconvenient and sometimes confusing for users. Combining our successful long-term experience in asset management and an excellent technical team, we decided to create a set of convenient independent modules for private and institutional users who wish to invest in the cryptocurrency market.

Blockchain technology is based on the fundamental principle of decentralization, which can eliminate middlemen, such as banks and other financial institutions, when performing various transactions. Nonetheless, even if cryptocurrencies are in excessive demand, there is no example of any development in the industry today. Even though dozens of highly specialized companies are developing solutions to enter the cryptocurrency market, investors are still unable to act without a reliable central counterparty.

The existing infrastructure of the traditional financial world provides a complete picture of our business. First, it is important to provide a source of relevant and reliable information about market happenings in a convenient manner. The amount of information in the world doubles every two years, so data that is prioritized for analysis and categorization by specific criteria becomes increasingly valuable. Most of the existing information portals do not meet the basic requirements of investors in terms of the relevance and content of the information. Therefore, we see the need to build a new infrastructure to collect and analyze industry news and market data, based on which custom analytical products will be created. Based on feedback from our research reports, our multilingual information and news portal will address existing issues for market participants and will benefit the entire crypto investment community.

There are two absolute values ​​in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. These are the market cap of Bitcoin and the market cap of the rest of the market. Almost everyone knows about Bitcoin, while the vast majority of the rest of the cryptocurrencies go almost unnoticed. Market participants need to spend a lot of time and resources to understand the main characteristics of each blockchain project to greatly reduce investment risks. We provide systematic solutions for cryptocurrency information. We took the best practices of the traditional financial world, brought in S&P S&P, MSCI, MSCI, FTSE, EuroStoxx, and Nikkei and created a range of indices that The index divides the cryptocurrency ecosystem into several parts, but together they form a whole. The first level index is called Blue Coins, the second level Second TIer. In the index of currencies, services and platforms, we include cryptocurrencies that reflect the essence of each specific segment. Additionally, we detail the most important and largest projects and give them characteristics in our Crypto-wiki. The news flow related to the index and Crypto-wiki forms our CryptoEYE information and analysis module.

Many industry investors believe in the blockchain and cryptocurrency market in terms of their ideas and technological potential, and expect to grow exponentially in the medium term. Based on traditional currency investment practices with fundamentally attractive assets, a “buy and hold” strategy is the most beneficial in terms of reward-to-risk ratios. In the cryptocurrency industry, most of which are projects built by startups, this strategy is difficult to implement without index investing. In this context, the rational way to invest passively is to invest in an index that operates on a well-known methodology that includes/excludes issuers based on changing market conditions. We have found that additional value to investors can be created by managers in various index combinations based on the client's risk profile and preferences. To meet these needs and market demands, we established TheIndex.Fund, which will play an important role in developing passive investment strategies for long-term investors.

Our research on the crypto market and feedback from a large number of successful investors and talented entrepreneurs shows that the flow of people reallocating real capital in cryptocurrencies is increasing significantly. The main hurdle currently facing seasoned potential investors is an imperfect asset management infrastructure. Today, there is no convenient, reliable and safe way to place funds under the governance of the cryptocurrency market. In the traditional financial industry, each counterparty performs its functions independently: managers make investment decisions; fund managers calculate unit value, are responsible for the safety of funds, and keep investor registration information; auditors check fund accounts. In the cryptocurrency world, all these functions are centralized - the corporate creator of the fund is in charge of all of them. In this case, the transparency of the fund, the reliability of data and the safety of investors' assets cannot be guaranteed. Our Fund Management Module (Blockchain Asset Management Platform - BAMP) was developed to address and minimize these risks and to make the crypto asset management industry safe and transparent. The fastest growing asset management sector in the world in 2018, and we believe this trend can be successfully replicated in the cryptocurrency world.

In addition to passive index strategies, there are plenty of good managers willing to offer investors alternative investment strategies that may outperform the market. For such managers, the most important factors besides strategy are the existence of convenient infrastructure and the possibility of asset growth under management. Our BAMP product provides all infrastructure functions, replacing administrators, management companies and auditors, while CryptoEYE exposes trading strategies to a wide range of investors. Solving many of the current cryptocurrency industry issues with one product, Zichain enables the new digital economy to reach a new level by enabling many executives to implement their strategies and attract large numbers of investors to the industry.

A complete set of modules

1. Fund management module Blockchain AssetManagement Platform

Currently, there are dozens of investment funds in the cryptocurrency industry whose infrastructure cannot be called reliable and whose asset management process cannot be considered transparent. Although the industry is in the early stages of development, several large-scale thefts of investor funds have occurred. With much of the money operating outside the legal framework, national institutions around the world recognize the need for a systematic approach to regulating the cryptocurrency market. Sooner or later, market participants and asset managers will demand changes to their operations to minimize their exposure, especially counterparty risk.

BAMP is a platform that foresees this future need, providing a ready-made technology solution for creating and managing investment funds. It also provides all the necessary tools to monitor the condition of an investor's portfolio, while meeting all the usual standards of traditional financial markets. An important feature of the platform is an automatic guarantor between the investor and the manager. Our infrastructure allows its users to create transparent investment policy statements (IPS) in the blockchain. With access to the platform and its infrastructure, many executives will have the opportunity to implement their own investment strategies, thereby continuously attracting new investors. All necessary functions such as execution of trade orders, back office functions, risk management, compliance and accounting - are implemented within the BAMP platform. The only thing required to implement a successful investment strategy is a manager and his related talents. Therefore, this module complies with all the practices generally accepted in traditional financial markets.

1. Investors

● Registration and KYC

Investors create an account and verify their identity in order to gain access to the platform. (Investors create an account and verify their identity to gain access to the platform)

● Investment strategy selection

Investors can view all available fund strategies and select the most suitable fund strategy through various parameters.

● Asset storage

Cryptocurrency assets are securely stored in multi-signature wallets. Portfolio management and access to private keys are distributed among the platform, fund managers and investors. Investors' and managers' keys are password-protected, inaccessible to the platform, and kept separately in a browser extension installed on their devices. In more versions of the platform, we will introduce decentralized access to investor funds through high-speed verification on the blockchain.

● Detailed financial reports

Investors can track the real-time performance of the selected strategy: NAV, returns, charges, risk assessment. The location of the funds (exchange or asset storage) and the full history of transactions and transactions are also found in the account.

● Distribution of Airdrops and Forks

Investors are entitled to participate in any value creation activity such as coins, airdrops or dividend distributions.

● redemption

Investors automatically receive profits or their total investment for the time specified in the investment policy statement.

2. Fund managers

● Create investment strategies

The fund manager creates an investment strategy with fixed parameters: strategy name and description; token name (TIcker); type: active or passive; counterparty risk; fees: entry, exit, management and performance; minimum investment rate, subscription period and Redemption period, minimum investment amount.

● Exchange sub-account

Fund managers do not need to spend time registering and completing KYC procedures at each cryptocurrency exchange, nor do they need to worry about the security of their personal accounts. The platform provides all exchange sub-accounts for fund managers, who can securely transfer funds from asset storage for active trades or rebalancing, and track historical details of trades and balances.

● Investment policy statement monitoring

The platform monitors compliance with investment policy statements and approves or rejects fund managers' trades accordingly

● Detailed fund reports

Fund managers are able to track real-time reports of fund activity: assets under management, number of investors, fund performance, charges, transaction history or status, and buying and selling history.

● Fee calculation

The platform immediately charges an entry fee or an exit fee at the corresponding moment of the investment. It also allocates a portion of the annual management fee and performance fee on a daily basis. All fees are charged in the cryptocurrency selected in the investment policy statement.

Platform functions for investors:

● Broad strategy

● Safe storage

● Minimize counterparty risk

● Transparent portfolio management

● Automatic investment policy statement monitoring

● Tokenization

Platform functions for asset managers: (platform functions for asset managers:)

● Provide turnkey solutions for treasury infrastructure management

● Legal framework

● Low customer acquisition cost

● Tokenization

● Automatic billing and withdrawals

Technical Description

Managers develop investment strategies by filling out an Investment Policy Statement (IPS), which includes detailed asset management terms and conditions:

● Investment Strategy (Public/Non-Public)

● Investment start (date)

● Liquidity of the fund (daily/weekly/monthly/other)

● Management strategy selection (active/passive)

● Management fee (0 - 100%)

● Pay management fees (daily, monthly, quarterly, yearly)

● Performance Fee (0 - 100%)

● Pay performance fees (day, month, quarter, year)

● Minimum expected capital recovery rate (above 0%)

● Entrance fee (0 - 100%)

● Exit fee (0 - 100%)

● Counterparty risk (0 - 100%)

● The minimum investment amount is USD.

● Portfolio composition (list of cryptocurrencies)

● List of stock exchanges

● Token name

● Policy name

● Policy description

● Multi-signature (mulTIsig) is not supported in currency depository (in manager/investor/platform wallet)

Important: IPS cannot be modified after creation.

BAMP interface. The process of creating an investment strategy statement.

BAMP interface. A description of the investment policy statement on the investor's account.

BAMP interface. The user selects an investment strategy.

Token Issuance

When creating an investment strategy, the platform deploys a smart contract (ERC20) in the Ethereum blockchain for token issuance.

The first investors bought the fund tokens at 1 TKN = 1 USD. Each subsequent investor will purchase tokens at the price in effect at the time of purchase, subject to an assessment of the market value of the fund's assets. When token redemption becomes possible, the investor should return the tokens to the smart contract and receive the receivable portion of the funds on the wallet.

There are two signatories in a smart contract: the platform and the manager. Each investment strategy loads a new smart contract (ERC20) in the blockchain. Smart contracts have the functions of token issuance, distribution, refund and transfer.

Investors' funds are kept in corresponding multi-signature wallets. Three keys are used for multisignature: investor, manager and platform key. Investors and managers' keys are stored on the wallet's local computer as a web extension, using the RPC protocol to provide restricted platform management.

The platform generates the platform wallet, which is included in the IPS, at the beginning of the investment cycle of each cryptocurrency.

Manager wallets are generated by managers using a web browser extension. The platform replicates wallet addresses to generate multi-signatures.

Investor wallets are generated by investors using a web browser extension. The platform replicates wallet addresses to generate multi-signatures.

To execute any transaction from a multi-signature wallet, at least two signatures are required.

web extension

Web extensions for Google Chrome and Brave will be created for investors and executives. This expansion will make wallets generated from the list into corresponding investment strategies (available both online and offline) and transfer all wallet addresses to the platform to create a mulTIsig.

Investors can use the browser extension to view a list of selected strategies and the balances of the corresponding cryptocurrency wallets. )

Managers can use the browser extension to view the IPS-generated strategy list, investor list and their wallet balances.

Investors and managers can sign all multi-wallet transactions by using a button in the web extension.


To make an investment, potential investors should register and verify on the website. After completing this process, investors will see a list of available strategies in their personal account.

He can then choose a strategy and generate a wallet address with the cryptocurrencies listed in the IPS. Funds should be transferred to an Ethereum wallet that has been generated in the browser extension, then create a multi-wallet.

The investment amount is based on the dollar value of the cryptocurrency transferred by the investor. The number of tokens an investor must receive depends on the weighted average exchange rate during the portfolio construction period. For example, if a manager takes 12 hours to buy a large amount of cryptocurrencies, the exchange rate may vary greatly, and the number of tokens in the portfolio is unknown until the portfolio is completed (this number may be higher or lower at the time of the transfer of funds) than expected).

financial calculation

Calculate the exchange rate

In order to calculate the profit and price of the strategy token, the average exchange rate of the cryptocurrency is applied to all transactions specified from the IPS and used by the manager to rebalance the portfolio. If the cryptocurrency is not traded in USD, the cross rate via Bitcoin is used in the calculation.

Profit Distribution

Profit is the difference between the investment amount and the IPS's portfolio value at the end of the performance fee (PF) calculation period. If at the end of the previous PF calculation period, the portfolio value exceeds the investment amount, all funds are considered to be invested in the strategy after deducting the management fee (MF% - annual management fee) during the current period. MF is paid to the manager according to the schedule set out in the IPS and is calculated according to the following algorithm: 1/365th of the MF% of the portfolio is reserved per day (1/366th in leap years). The reserved amount is sent to the manager's personal wallet according to the schedule specified in the IPS. The minimum expected return on capital (HR%) is the minimum threshold for a portfolio's value growth in the current year below which managers are not rewarded for successful investments. If the value of the portfolio increases by more than Human Capital %, then the PF% increment minus the minimum expected capital return is paid to the manager and the rest to the investor. PF is paid to managers when calculating profits. In addition to MF and PF, managers should also receive an entry fee (EF%) and an exit fee (ExF%) when investors enter and exit the market, respectively.

Token price

The first investor's token price is allocated $1. Furthermore, it is directly dependent on the portfolio value and does not include fees paid to managers at the end of the period. The token price is calculated according to the following formula:

Portfolio Value

Portfolio value is the total value of all cryptocurrencies (USD) under management during the current investment cycle.

Portfolio Value Calculation

Portfolio value is calculated as the total value of all cryptocurrencies within the strategy, excluding funds used to pay Performance Fee (PF) and the Daily Partial Management Fee (MF).

virtual currency withdrawal

A manager can transfer portfolio funds to his or her trading sub-account for portfolio rebalancing or active trading. The maximum withdrawal amount is specified in the IPS as a percentage of the total portfolio value (in USD).

The platform checks IPS compliance and signs withdrawal transactions. The manager also signs the transaction and initiates the funds transfer process.

2. Trading Terminal

Thanks to the development of e-commerce online trading, buying and selling currencies, stocks, bonds and other securities has become so easy, all a trader needs to do is register an account with a broker and press a button to execute the trade. The current market infrastructure allows you to invest in most assets without any barriers, with low fees and an acceptable, transparent price. However, it is difficult to execute large trades in a short period of time without significant market impact. Institutional traders, such as investment or pension funds, banks, insurance companies or OTC brokers, often encounter these types of problems. In the cryptocurrency industry, institutional trading issues are more prominent due to relatively low liquidity and market segmentation.

The Zichain trading terminal provides a mature multi-functional trading platform that allows traders to buy and sell cryptocurrencies 24/7 from anywhere in the world and on any exchange. The trading terminal also includes a set of professional tools for portfolio management, such as using smart order routing or using advanced execution algorithms:

Trading Terminal Interface

Trading Terminal Interface

Interface for placing TWAP smart orders

Portfolio management page interface

Platform Technology Components

Smart Contract Category

· iceberg executes an order equal to the "Show Quantity" portion at a specific price.

· spread ensures smooth execution of the dual track system within the given range.

· twap executes orders, and the order size is distributed smoothly over a given time period, ensuring that orders are executed at a price as close to the market TWAP as possible.

vwap executes the order, allocating the order size over the specified time period based on the historical volume profile. It ensures that orders are executed at VWAP prices as close to the market as possible.

· pov participates in the quantization algorithm. Execute market trades during the specified time period and participate in the total trading volume in the specified proportion. It ensures that orders are executed at VWAP prices as close to the market as possible.

Stealth ensures the most efficient order execution for a given period of time after the price has breached a given level. It can be used as take profit or stop loss.

rake distributes multiple orders with a specific quantity by assigning them to a price range at a specified price step and depth by a specific price.

The sniper will only trigger the algo when an order appears in the order book at the specified price level

Execution algorithms

mmaker ensures that cryptocurrency pairs are referenced in the order book.

A hedger hedges current positions by selling or buying cryptocurrencies.

The guard checks that the order sent to the exchange complies with the rules: the price is within the specified limits, the number of smart orders does not exceed the remainder of the parent order, the trade is not suspended in the cryptocurrency pair, etc.

market data

mdata_rest receives market data (including order books, quotes and trades) using the REST protocol. The data is then converted into an internal format and distributed to customers.

mdata_fix receives market data (including order books, quotes, trades) using the FIX/Fast protocol. The data is then converted into an internal format and distributed to customers.

· mdata_ws uses the websocket protocol to receive market data (including orders, quotes and trades). The data is then converted into an internal format and distributed to customers.

· mdata_bridge receives the specified table and data stream from the switch, creates the appropriate table structure in the database, and saves the received data in the table.


exec_rest ensures that the order is sent to the exchange and the response is received via the REST protocol.

exec_fix ensures that the order is sent to the switch and the response is received via the FIX protocol.

exec_ws ensures that the order is sent to the exchange and the response is received via the Websocket protocol.


· client_mdata_fix implements the function of subscribing to market data through the FIX protocol.

· client_exec_fix implements integration with client software according to the FIX protocol, allowing sending, modifying, or canceling orders and receiving sent orders and responses to transactions.

· client_exec_sql implements the integration of client software through the list in the SQL database. Allows sending, modifying, and canceling orders as well as receiving sent orders and responses to transactions.

· client_exec_rabbit implements the integration of client software through RabbitMQ according to the SBE protocol, allowing sending, modifying, and canceling orders and receiving sent commands and responses to transactions.

md2kaffka converts the internal data stream to JSON and forwards this data to the Kafka bus.

md2rabbit converts the internal data stream to SBE and forwards this data to the Rabbit bus.

· mdcap takes the internal market data stream and saves it to the database.

Basic modules

stat is responsible for collecting system latency and round-trip statistics.

· instr_load downloads the tool's metadata and trading session table.

· mail_agent Sends running messages about warnings and errors recorded in the service log to the specified email address.

· init is the administration that provides general services for the rest. It is capable of monitoring the life cycle of services, ensuring that services that exited are restarted, etc.

· egate ensures that websocket data is transmitted to the system web interface.

· pos collects location data and computes PNL.

· mdchecker receives internal market data and checks its consistency according to the rules: order books and quotes should not change, and the delay in trading time should not exceed the allowed interval.

3. Fiat gateway ZiChange

Blockchain is an ideal solution for making payments, banking transactions, currency exchanges, and other operations that are vulnerable to fraud or disclosure of confidential information when processed by existing systems. Blockchain technology is developing rapidly, which is attracting many different players, from ordinary consumers to hedge funds. Eighteen major cryptocurrency exchanges in the U.S., Europe, China, Japan, and South Korea have an average daily trading volume of about $15 billion. The ratio of market participants' activity to market capitalization is at least as high as the U.S. stock market. As more and more investors flood the market, they all have one thing in common: the need for a unified platform that acts as a legitimate access point to the crypto world and offers high liquidity and transparent transaction costs.

Currently, one of the main obstacles to the development of the cryptocurrency market is the complex process of exchanging fiat currency into crypto assets and vice versa. Services such as exchanges, trading platforms, exchange facilities and payment systems are commissions that may vary significantly.

We believe that there are three major issues preventing retail and institutional investors from entering the crypto asset market:

• Lack of trusted counterparties

• Lack of transparency

• Lack of liquidity

The goal of Zichange is to create a brokerage module that bridges the gap between the traditional world of finance and the developing world of crypto. We will provide retail and institutional investors with a completely legal and transparent solution for converting fiat currency to crypto assets. Our main input to the market will be a combination of the accepted operational standards of the traditional financial industry and the values ​​that drive the development of blockchain technology (such as simplicity, convenience and security). ZiChange will remove the barriers that institutional and retail investors face when entering the crypto asset space.

There are two transaction services:

• Fiat and cryptocurrency exchange services. The company will provide a legal and secure entry into the cryptocurrency market. All transactions will comply with regulatory requirements.

• Encryption and encryption exchange services. The company offers a variety of crypto assets on a mobile platform.

Main features of ZiChange:

• P2P-like transactions - 100% of client assets are stored in their wallets, eliminating counterparty risk.

• Single entry point - access all markets through a single partner

• High liquidity - ideal for large trades

• Preferential Rates – Due to the advanced order system and execution system, the best price regardless of transaction size.

4. СryptoEYE

CryptoEYE is a multilingual information and analysis portal, based on artificial intelligence, which can be customized for each user.

CryptoEYE has a built-in marketplace that can help asset managers advertise their funds. It also helps users choose the best investment strategy.

CryptoEYE interface. Homepage and Indicators

CryptoEYE offers:

• Easy understanding of personal cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology.

• A comprehensive understanding of the development cycle and potential assessment of any product: which products are prototypes, which are already running, product development stages (ideas, prototypes and running).

• Understand the interrelationships between technologies and applications.

• Identify factors that affect pricing.

• Get brief and comprehensive information on market dynamics.

• Customize filters for news and information about the crypto economy to address specific user needs.

• Obtain essential analysis and forecasts for various areas of the crypto industry.

Application function

CryptoEYE features include the following parts:

•Crypto-wiki - Detailed descriptions of popular cryptocurrencies and blockchain projects.

• Relevant news, users can make strategic investment decisions accordingly. News and source lists can be filtered and customized by the user.

• An exchange of asset management companies, presenting their investment strategies and outlining their competitiveness. The platform also allows purchasing their investment products with a single click.

• A handy investment calculator that allows users to analyze and compare the results of investing in our indices or cryptocurrencies.

CryptoEYE interface. Crypto-wiki page with virtual currency details

A prototype for a news aggregator. Filter the news list.

CryptoEYE interface. Profitability calculator for cryptocurrency and index combinations.

Currently, CryptoEYE publishes a brief description of the top cryptocurrencies (over 200) and the value of our own indices through which investments can be made through our crypto fund. The main goal is to use the website as an advertising platform or as an entry point for users interested in cryptocurrencies in our company and other managers' investment products. In the next phase, we will be rolling out a news aggregator with advanced user filters and automatic categorization by topic and cryptocurrency. An important feature of the platform is its multilingual support. All content, including news aggregators, will be available in the most mainstream languages.

News function

Data collection and storage subsystems and "Big Data Crypto Analysis" provide information requirements for obtaining, systematizing, classifying, storing, and comprehensive analysis of encrypted ecosystem data.

Subsystem structure

Hardware and software requirements

The CryptoEYE data collection and storage subsystem consists of a data collection module and a DBMS; they can be located on the same or different servers. The following are the requirements for a dual server implementation.

Description of the data collection process

a. Data Collection Device (Data Collection Assembly)

b. Load Balancing Proxy Server

Balanced proxies are used to anonymously process some of the requests performed by websites to reduce the likelihood that they will block our requests. It offers to use an nginx based proxy server. It is recommended to use an external http(s) proxy with a static IP.

c. Web crawler distributed computing cluster

A web crawler is a program that scans and processes web pages in order to write the required information into a database. The distributed computing cluster application consists of the crawler main program and a set of data source crawler written in Node.js. From a technical point of view, the main program checks the folder containing the web crawler module, creates child processes using the spawn method, and passes the module name as a command parameter to these programs.

On startup, ipc is specified as one of the stdio channels. This enables the main process to receive messages via the child.on('message', function(message){...}) handler and send messages using the child.send(message) method, which can also be called in the child process ('message', function(message){...}) and process.send(message) methods.

It is recommended to send JSON objects as messages. The main function of the crawler is to handle requests from child processes, for which it has 2 queue groups) The first queue group is the pageview queue. Create an in-memory array of page load tasks for each submodule. A page load task is an object consisting of the URL of the desired page and a feedback function that sends data to the child process. The pageview queue is handled by multiple loading streams, each of which selects the upper-level task in the array and loads it, and when the loading is complete, calls the feedback function, passing it the load data block as a parameter. The task appears in the queue via an ipc link with a child.on('message' function(message){...}) process and writes to the end of the queue. After the queue is exhausted, a drain message is sent to its child process, which is one of the signals that the current website loading iteration is exhausted. However, the decision to load the website is done by the child process, so it may process the page as messages arrive and create other tasks separately for the main process.

The second queue group is the object storage queue. Each child process redirects it to the main process via ipc while finding and logging the records it needs to export into the database. The main process puts all received records into a storage queue, each record corresponding to a table in the database. Then use the pooled connection to select a certain number of records (currently 50), make the request and the corresponding bind variables, and send the data to the database. The database is restarted as soon as a response arrives, or after a timeout if there are not enough records in the queue.

Subprocess functions include: processing each page received from the main process, analyzing all URLs for that page, filtering relevant links, creating new tasks to load web pages to write items to the database.

Website load planning starts with starting the home page task. Tasks are transferred to the main process, and responses to them will generate new links and may need to store data. If any data needed to be stored in the database is found on the page, the data logging task will be created in JSON format and sent to the main process.

Each crawler must control the start and end of website loading. Each child process has a body object to track the actions of the page. If an emit signal is received from the main process, the crawler checks to see if all pages have been processed. If everything is processed, the crawler will sleep, i.e. set a timeout to initialize the website load.

access and may need to store data. If any data needed to be stored in the database is found on the page, the data logging task will be created in JSON format and sent to the main process.

Each crawler must control the start and end of website loading. Each child process has a body object to track the actions of the page. If an emit signal is received from the main process, the crawler checks to see if all pages have been processed. If everything is processed, the crawler will sleep, i.e. set a timeout to initialize the website load.

It is critical to create the mask and build the algorithm that determines the type of data source:

I. The page has all the necessary data to be extracted.

II. The page contains links to I. Types.

III. Pages not related to the purpose of data extraction, not related to Category I or Category II pages.

d. Scrapy type network data collection module

Framework information is available at Some websites do not provide data export or API services. To solve this problem, we built an independent uploading module that recognizes the HTML code of a web page, analyzes its content and extracts the necessary data. Metadata for item and page content is sent to the data processing pipeline. For this we use the following set of processors:

1. Debug handler that writes data to a file

2. A data validation processor that rejects inapplicable or insufficient data items (Reddit, Twitter, and other broad sources only)

3. Upload submit processor (json - rpc).


The database contains tables of raw data collected by the crawler (one table per source) as well as tables of aggregated data generated by the processor. Raw data tables are divided into data sources. Table inheritance in Postgres ensures data consistency. . The database also contains aggregated data tables containing standardized information from all sources in the following format:

● Date

● Author

● Title

● Text

● Source

● the number of comments

● Categories/Tags

5. TheIndex.Fund

Based on our modules, we have successfully developed a complete system including 5 index funds (TheIndex.Fund) - giving investors the opportunity to invest in most of the crypto market in the easiest way. In a short period of time, a low-cost, modular solution allows Zichain to build the fund's infrastructure, implement quantitative portfolio management, and integrate functions to support fiat currency storage. On the investment product market - with CryptoEYE, it's easier to attract your first customers. Every fund is fully automated: for example based on monthly rebalancing, cold wallet storage technology, advanced execution functions - investors always have an up-to-date portfolio covering all major cryptocurrencies at the lowest cost.在过去的20年,指数基金始终是传统资产管理行业中增长最快的部分,我们确信,这个趋势同样也能够在加密世界中得以复制。

被动策略可长期超越积极管理的策略,特别是如果投资者正在努力争取低波动性和稳定收入。 各种被动策略之一是投资于追踪大市场或其个别行业动态的指数产品。 ETF(交易所买卖基金)是投资大盘市场的最便捷方式。 在过去的20年中,它们已经成为机构投资者和个人投资者最热门的工具之一。 ETF目前在全球拥有超过4.5万亿美元的资产。


尽管ETF行业在过去13年增长了1,000%,但与共同基金行业相比,这一行业仍然微不足道,而共同基金行业在同一时期仅增长了150%。 ETF管理的资产数量现在只是共同基金资产的十分之一。


我们创建了自动加密货币指数基金,为快速增长的数字资产提供简单,透明的访问。 通过只购买一个代币,任何投资者都可以获得与大部分加密货币市场资本完全一致的低成本和多元化投资组合。



加密货币市场的一个入口点—— 一个代币代表投资组合。






Blue Coins指数是加密经济的先锋。 它包括按市值计算的前5位加密货币。 指数表现取决于大部分加密货币市场的发展- 高达总资本的80%。

Second Tier是对市场增长更积极的投资,因为与领先者相比资本额水平较低,并且有助于获得更大市场份额的独特产品特征。 第二层包括按市值计算的20种最大的加密货币,但Blue Coin指数中包含的除外。

货币指数仅包括按市值计算的前50位加密货币,主要用作支付手段。 指数成分股执行所有加密货币的根源– 去中心化的支付处理系统。


平台指数仅包括按市值计算的前50大加密货币,这些加密货币是提供不同基础设施解决方案所必需的。 指数成分代表项目,为众筹,分散应用,资产管理等开发各种生态系统或平台。

所有指数均以美元计算并每天发布。 进入指数的加密货币应在交易所进行至少90天的交易。 再平衡是在每月初执行的。 Blue Coins和Second Tier中每个加密货币的权重是无限的,在行业指数中,重新平衡时不应该超过25%。


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