IT168 what to buy ASUS STRIX GTX950-DC2-2GD5-GAMING graphics card is currently available in the Tmall business to 1099 yuan price for sale, compared to the OC version 1199 price, low-frequency version is more close to the people, with Asus STRIX series of excellent heat dissipation With the design of the device, the heat dissipation efficiency is increased by 30%, the temperature is lower, and the overall operation is more stable and smooth.
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The Asus STRIX GTX950-DC2-2GD5-GAMING graphics card has a reference frequency of 1089 MHz, a maximum boost frequency of 1266 MHz, and a memory frequency of 6610 MHz, which is much higher than the public version. It uses ASUS DirectCUII pure copper direct touch technology, combined with Asus specially designed strix shroud, so that the graphics card temperature is lower, with NVIDIA 0 decibel technology, when the graphics card temperature is lower than 65 degrees, the fan stops rotating, really at a low load Achieve no noise. This product also fully supports Microsoft DX12, NVIDIA DSR and many other technologies, can provide more beautiful game effects, is definitely a good choice for netizens.
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